I'll Save You Tonight. -Zayn Fanfic

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  • Dedicated to My Amazayn Friend Sarah <3

Hey Guys! Yes, This one is a ZAYN fanfic, SO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT. Before reading this, you should probably read the first one, or you'll have no idea what's going on in the beginning. Okay, thats all!




At Lauren & Liam's wedding, I was the best man. I stood with Louis & Niall , who were ushers.

"So you done with all those Lauren feelings ?" Lou asked me.

"Yeah. We're still friends and all, but I'm trying to move on." I said remembering the heartbreaking experience of losing Lauren to Liam. It was tough, considering that I was the best man at their wedding.

"Keep your head up, Lad." said Niall, as he started escorting Lauren's mom to her seat.

I kept on checking out Lauren's friends though. Hot damn. I'd only met Krissy. The short, but muscular black haired girl. She had lootsss of friends.

Besides Krissy, there was Catherine. She was tall, and slender. Long, long curly blonde hair. Long legs, and long tan arms as well. I couldn't take her though, she was dating Edward Cullen.

There was Zoe. She was a little shorter, and had short, dirtyblonde hair. She, too was muscular, especially her legs.Zoe, too, was un-claimable. She was with Jacob Black.

There was Cameron. She was a tall Aisan, who Louis was obviously hitting on. Like all the other girls, she was slender. She lad medium-long brown hair, with a faded out red streak. She was taller than all of the girls, and from what I could hear of their conversation, she was really funny . . and random.

There was Cesi (ch-esi), yet another beautiful asian. She, like Cameron, had medium-long brown hair. She was medium-tall, and slender, just like the rest of them. Her dress was particularly interesting though. It was the lime green, short, strapless one that I'd bought for Lauren two weeks ago . . . and that green was attracting Niall. Leprechaun.

There was Clare. Clare too, was tall. Maybe the same height or taller than Cameron. She wore curly, red hair, and freckles. Harry had obviously claimed her, though.

There was Kamie. Another pretty asian. She wore square her thick, black hair in a pony tail. Her hair was a little short, but managed to make its way down the lower part of her neck. She came to the wedding, though, with her boyfriend; Joe Jonas.

They were all pretty, but then there was Sarah. All the girls were in fact, gorgeous, but something intrigued me about Sarah. Maybe it was her long, long brown hair, and her reddish pink, outlined lips. Maybe it was her slightly tan skin, or her brown-ish green eyes. I didn't know, but I wanted to.

I walked up to the group of girls, who were just chatting amongst themselves. Wait, think Zayn, you just can't go up to them for no purpose . . that's just . . . weird. I grabbed one of the caterer's tray of little chocolate covered strawberries. THEN I walked up to them.

"Good Day, Lassies. Could you be interested in some chocolate covered strawberries?" I asked, rather politely.

Instead of getting a regular answer, such as YES or NO, I got screaming.

"OHMYGOD YOU'RE ZAYN MALIK." Cameron yelled.


"OHMYGOD NO THEY'RE CHOOCOOLAATEE STRAWBERRIES." Zoe corrected, as Jacob escorted her away from me. Jerk.


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