Chapter 35 - His Future

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Hailey Anderson

"You're not going to the kitchen again!" Luke scolded me

I just cut my hand for the third times when I'm trying to learn how to cook. I'm trying to make a salmon steak and I cut my hand when I'm serious cutting the fish beautifully.

"You can't stop me" I said and he sighed

"I'm so going to buy a house with no kitchen in it!" What the hell!

"It's just a little cut Luke.. I'm fine"

"Little cut? This and this and this?" He pointed at the bandage and glared at me

"I'm find Lukey.. I'm trying to make your favorite dish"

"We can just eat outside.. you're hurting yourself right now" He gave my cut a medicine and damn it stings. He wrapped a bandage on my index finger. After that he looked at me

"Are you going to give me a heart attack seeing you hurt when you're trying to do something for me?"

"I wanted to be special" I said and he hugged me. Kissing my forehead and stroke my head

"I'll buy you plastic knife"

"What the hell Luke? I'm not a child. That plastic knife is for children practicing!"

"Pick a house without kitchen or cooking with a plastic knife" Is he stupid or what?

"I hate you"

"Of course you do.. I'm doing this because you always clumsy and hurt yourself" He ruffled my hair

"You're going to work?" I asked and he nodded

"Why? Already miss me?"

"I failed making you breakfast" I said sadly and he gave me a peck on my lips. He smiled

"I'll just eat the chocolate cake" Yesterday I made a chocolate cake and yes it's a big success after trying 3 times. I'm so happy

"I'll promise you I'll practice really hard to make your favorite dish" I said and he hugged me

"Will wait for that.. maybe 10 years" I smacked him and he laughed

"I'm kidding Hailey.. you'll make it for me in no time"

I took out the cake and cut it for him. He ate it and we talked for awhile. He went to the office.. if you just think that if he moved in with me or I moved in with him , the answer is no.

Luke sometimes stay here, he really respect me and I love that. He hugged me until I sleep and he went home. Sometimes when he's so tired he will sleep beside me until the next morning.

After he left , I need to take a bath and go to the office as well. I stopped in front of my bathroom as I saw Luke's letter

Hey babe..
Meet me tonight at my hotel rooftop 7 p.m
Use this Gold Card okay?
I love you

- your Lukey

I smiled widely as I saw the letter , mentioning Lukey at the end makes my day. I take the Gold Card and put it on my wallet.

Is he preparing a really nice date? I can't wait. I quickly get into the shower and prepare myself to go to the office. Working seriously and suddenly I thought about my serious conversation with Luke yesterday.

"Hailey.. I'm serious with you and I want to talk about future here" Luke suddenly looked at me seriously


"I have a company and you have too.. Since I know every company has it own history and I respect your family for it. Since you're the only child , I think you have to responsible for your company.. am I right?" He asked

"Yeah.. the perks of being one and only child" I sighed

"Hey.. if you need anything , you can ask my help. I mean your boyfriend is one of the most handsome businessman" He winked

"Thankyou" I kissed his cheek


"Understanding this situation"

"No need to thank me babe. Passionate kiss in enough" He joked but I crashed my lips to his and really kiss him passionately.

"We need to make a lot a kids babe" That made me blush

"How many kids do you want?" I looked into his blue eyes

"Six is enough , maybe more" He said like it was the easiest thing in the world

"Then you get pregnant!" He laughed

I text Luke to ask what I need to wear and he said just a simple dress enough. I quickly change in to my white spagheti strap dress. It's a short dress that falls above my mid thigh a bit. Put on a simple make up and straighten up my hair.

Taking my nude highheels and take a taxi to Luke's office.

Now how to use the Gold Card.. dang it! Why didn't I ask him how use it and is there a special lift for it?

I walked inside his office when suddenly a staff walked to me. She smiled

"Ms. Anderson?" She asked


"Mr. Hastington ask me to escort you to the lift miss" She said and I followed her. There's 6 lifts and she showed me to enter lift that has a key logo on it. I entered and she pointed at the gold square detector and I smiled.


"You're welcome" She said and I closed the door. I swiped the Gold Card and press the R for Rooftop. The lift go up and I'm starting to get nervous.

As the lift opens , I walked out and saw so many candles making a path to the middle. I walked and admiring the view , suddenly there's something written in the middle and I walked faster.

My eyes widen and I can't help but re-read it a few times.

"It's cold" I flinched as Luke put his blazer to me. I turned to him and the candles and then to him again

"You said one day you'll marry me.. well now I'm the one who wanted to marry you" He smiled

He prepared 'Marry Me?' with little candles in the middle , I was shocked. I mean we just got through 3 months of dating and he's really serious in this. I mean I'm serious love him to death but seeing him proposing me like this is just..

"Hailey? Don't tell me you're going to say no" He looked at me seriously and I laughed. He suddenly kneels in front of me , taking out a black box. He opened it and revealing a really beautiful diamond ring inside.

"Marry me Hailey Anderson , I'll make-" Before he could finish , I already attack him by kissing him. He slowly stand up and cupped my face.

"Of course I'll marry you" I can't help to put a really big smile on my face. He put the ring on my ring finger and kissed me again.

"I love you Hailey.. a lot"

"Love you too babe.. I love you more"

The End

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