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So, I love these and have kinda wanted to do one for a bit. ChocoholicBezza persuaded me to actually do it XD

So, before we actually start any role play, please could you fill this in so I know who your character is. It can be canon, an OC, it doesn't matter.

Human name:
Personification of:
Any other info:

E.g. for me it would be

Human name: Juan
Personification of: Peru
Age: 17
Height: 5ft 7
Gender: male
Appearance: see above
Family: Spain, America, Canada and Mexico
Friends: Canada, Romano, Cuba (other OCs), Argentina, Venezuela and Costa Rica
Likes: Food, quiet, reading, Romano shouting at Spain and llamas
Dislikes: Spain, thunder storms and planes
Any other info: N/A

Relationships between other people are fine as long as the other person is fine with it as well (though obviously if no one else is role playing that other person, it's fine)

Please, no horrible comments aimed at people or their countries

Thank you (I feel like I'm enforcing loads of rules. I'm sorry T-T)

So... yeah. Enjoy ^-^

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