Lucy Belle

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Full Name: Lucy Belle

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Full Name: Lucy Belle

Age: 84 ((16 in human years))

Birth: April 9th

Height: 4'3'

Weight: 90 LB. [She is a fairy.]

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Yellow

Occupation: Fairy, wish-granter for pixie kids.

Parents: Fairies do not know their parents.

Siblings: None

Background: Lucy is a fairy that was granted wish-granter at the age of 24. She goes around to grant people of all kinds wishes, even though she is supposed to be subjected to pixie kids, which is a name for kids with not so good lives.

Hobbies: Exploring, cleaning, decorating, creating

Likes: Bakeries, leaves, rocks, lakes

Dislikes: Pizza is overrated to her, flying, and blueberries.

Strengths: She is very kind.

Weaknesses: Very easily led astray

Character Personality: Kind, accepting, loving, great friend, loyal

Wants: She wants to find a way for her friend Ophelia to be happy. Her wish granting powers only work on children.

Problems: She is very sympathetic, and that includes to all types of creatures. She will help someone who does not deserve it.

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