Tagged, yay

66 5 43

Hello!! It's been a while hasn't it... 😋well I was tagged by abbytheanimenerd to do two different challenges, but I already did one of them so I'm just gonna do the second one.
The rules are at the top ^^^^^^
Again thank you so much for tagging me, this is always fun to do.

#1. Do you like someone?
In real life? 😅😅 no....or idk but if it's fictional character than I love Yato!!! Just like my friend Ali_0727 says " he's gonna be locked in my basement" jk
but if he was real, probably.

#2. Do they like me?
If I were to have a crush....not that I do😅trust me.. I don't think they would like me back because who would like this weirdness lol to be honest that's why we're in love with fictional characters.
( that sounds sad, but we can't help it)

#3. Middle name?
I don't have one. 😋

#4. Single or Taken?
I'm single... single...SiNgLe..and alone...forever.

#5 Last person I texted?
The last person I texted is not on wattpad.

#6 Last Song I listened to?
The last song I listened to was this song which was inspirational.... Lol but yeah
( probably won't say the name.)

#7. Battery %
At the moment my battery percent is at 12.

#8. Girl Best Friend?
Hard to choose all my friends are awesome and they all mean the world to me.. you can see some of my close friends in my description.😂

#9. Guy Best Friend?
Lol my best guy friend is not on wattpad, but one of my closest guy friends was one of the ones listed in my description.

#10. Favorite OTP?
This one is a hard one( feel free to tell me one of your favorite ones.) 😂 there's so many characters that look good together.

#11. Why did you make this account?
I made this account because I really liked writing when I was little. I also love reading, and reading sometimes fills some emptiness you know.☺lol but it really does.

#12. Current lock screen?
Idk if I should put this picture but here it goes... this is my current lock screen , it's a picture of my friends and me when we were in middle school. I miss them alot.

AnimeFreak2468kawaii_dragneel_22 _nerd4life

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I also look really weird in this picture sorry 😅

#14. Birthday?
My birthday is on Nov. 28

Thank you so much for the tag. Now I'll tag some people, not 20 because that's alot lol
















See ya 🍪 and thx

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