Ch. 9

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After sitting in Jack's lap for about a half an hour, I decided I was hungy. So i dragged Emma off of Austin and off we went to the concession stand. We ordered our food, me with a large pretzel with cheese and Emma with a huge bag of popcorn drenched in butter, and began to walk back to our seats in the bleachers. Thats when I saw Sarah sitting next to Jack, trying to flirt with him. You could see his discomfort written all over his face as Sarah continued to scoot closer and closer to him. Then she tried to hold his hand and that was the last straw. I sprinted up the bleachers and cleared my throat. "Am I interrupting something here" I spat. Sarah turned around slowly and glared at me. " Yes actually you are. I was just asking Jack here if he wanted to come to my party tonight" she said turning her attention to the very uncomfortable Jack. I decided to put him out of his misery. "Sarah, Im sure we will all be there. Thanks for the invite." I said and sat next to Jack who in turn piut his arm around me and pulled me close. Sarah sat there like a deer in the headlights as I ate my pretzel and Jack occassionally stole a piece or two. I was fed up. "Now is your cue to leave" I said in a sarcastically sweet voice. I can't believe that she can't take a clue. At last, she stood up with a huff and with a flip of her extremely styled brunette hair, she was gone.

After spending another good half hour sunggled up on our boyfriends laps, Emma and I had to go back down to the court and begin to warm up for our next game. I untangled myself from Jack and sat up. He sat up and looked at me. "You know you guys play the boys next right" he asked staring at me. I looked at him and nodded. To be honest, I was nervous. This would be the first time our team had ever played a boys team and, by the looks of them, they were good. Their front row players alone had a good three inches on me and their biceps were as big as watermelons. Jack wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I wish I could just stay like this forever. Then a shooting pain shot through my knee. I moaned as I stood up to try to stretch it out. It popped with discomfort. I winced and sat back down to tape my fingers. Jack turned to watch me as I carefully taped my fingers and my wrists. "Why do you tape your fingers and wrists" he asked as I finished one hand and moved on to the other. "Well I don't normally tape my hands and fingers, but when you are blocking harder hitters, you don't want to jam your fingers or injure your wrists, so it's basically a precaution" I said and flexed my now taped hands. "And I have arthritis in my wrists, so as a hitter, it is really important that they are stable" I added and looked at him. He was listening intently and then gingerly grabbed my wrist like it was ready to snap in half. "Dude, I'm not going to shatter into a million pieces so you can stop with the sensetive stuff" I said sarcastically and whipped my hand out of his with a wink. I stood up and adjusted my jersey and spandex. Then I grabbed my water bottle and walked back down the stairs to our court. 

Emma and I began our warm up and the rest of the team started to filter in. Most of them had either been sitting on their phones or snuggling with their boyfriends like Emma and I had been. After both teams were present, the reff called for captains so Emma and I walked up to where the opponants and the reff were standing. I could tell by the looks on the guys faces that they were cocky. They both had a smug smile plastered on their faces as they gave each of us a quick up down with their eyes. They were your typical jocks. Blonde hair, blue eyes, blinding white teeth and biceps the size of watermelons. And lets not even get into the abs situation. I knew we could take them though. Coming into this game as the underdogs was definitely a good thing. Everyone was expecting the boys to win, so if they do it would be no surprise and really nothing against us because no one expects us to win. But little does everyone know that these boys are about to get a run for their money. Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness the bigeest ass kicking of the century ;)


Hope everyone enjoys! I know it has been a while, but now that it is summer, I should be able to write a bit more than I was during the school year. 

xoxo KatieTheLady

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