Just The Pizza Guy

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Working at the biggest and most popular family owned pizza parlour in New Hampshire has its certain perks. Free pizza, great pay, and making little chubby kids smile at their graduation parties; its the teenage dream. But for Rhett Webster, a renowned geek in highschool, its a hell hole. 

Having to deliver to the idiot jocks at school who refuse to pay without some kind of prank, to the cheerleaders who sneer in disgust, to the parties that he never seems to get invited to; it's never an easy day.

But what happens when the pretty, shy new girl opens the door and gives him a smile? Ivy Dunt may have a few secrets hidden away herself  but despite that, she might just be able to slip beneath Rhett's nerdy exterior and show the world who Rhett Webster really is.

Follow the awkward tale of Rhett and Ivy as they stumble through what it really means to be a teenager.



The entire book is copyright protected. All rights are reserved by the author and any unauthorized stealing/editing of my work will be punished by law under infringement of copyright.

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