The Mask Is Slipping

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AN: Hello everyone! This is my first story so sorry if it sucks. Please comment if you like the story and want me to continue.
Dipper " Meridith" Pines was a fairly normal child except she didn't act like a normal girl would. Dipper would always do " boy things" as her parents called it so they told her act like a girl or pretend to be a boy. She chose to pretend to be a boy even though she wasn't transgender or gay. Mabel didn't take it well she always said to ignore them because she loved her sister and didn't want her to be someone she was not just because of their parents, but her parents were the ones to feed and clothe her so she was worried that if she didn't listen they would toss her out on the streets and she would never see Mabel again. Dipper pretended to be a boy for years, so long Mabel mostly forgot that Dipper was a girl, but that was about to change. Ford always knew something was off about Dipper. She acted like a boy but was still a girl on the inside so some of the things she did baffled him. Like how she was pretending to like Wendy so she still seemed like a boy ,but in reality no boys have really caught her eye. It was getting harder and harder to hide she was a girl. Her hair was waist length all tied in her baseball cap, and her new growing " assets " were getting harder to hide, but at least the only people who knew she was a girl were: her parents, Mabel, and unfortunately Bill cipher (stupid possession). One day though that changes someone is going to find out, but she will guard that secret relentlessly until someone pieces it together. One day the mask will fall for the right person.

Ok that is the end of the chapter I hope you enjoyed. Please tell me who you ship Fem!Dipper with and if you have any constructive criticism don't hesitate to comment. BYE BYE!!

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