Sweet Song

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There once was an Angel, who went by the name of Gilen, who lived amongst the clouds. This Angel was not like all the other angels. He was not social, often sitting on his own little cloud, singing softly to himself. He had a voice so beautiful that when you heard it, you would simply melt under its warmth and beauty. They were always so kind and happy. All of the other Angels would sit and listen to his songs day after day.

But the Angels weren't the only ones who listened to his songs. Roland, a fiend, sat listened to the Angels songs. The only thing was, he was so far away from the clouds, it was hard to hear. He didn't like this very much, so he decided one day, he wanted the Angels song for his own.

Roland came up with a devious plan to take the poor Angel for his own. Using the magic he had on hand, he transformed himself into a handsome human man, (though he thought to himself in this process, he was already handsome in the first place). He traveled up to Earth, where he would find the Angel and speak to him.

It was terribly hard to find the Angel; they're very good at keeping themselves away from sight. Especially guardian Angels, which Gilen was. They camouflaged themselves so well, they were like chameleons. He watched over his assigned human with a diligent eye. His human was very lucky to have him.

His human, a small boy, or a teenager at this point, went by the name of Lutz. He was a spunky young boy with a great heart and sense of humor. He was a perfect match for the soft spoken Gilen.

One day, Roland sat on a park bench underneath a yellowing tree. Over on the other side of the park was Lutz, hanging out with some friends of his. Roland knew his Angel was nearby. He looked up into the tree above him and stared there for a while. It must have been a half an hour before he saw the leaves shudder. It almost looked like the wind was just blowing the leaves around, but with Roland's eyes, he could tell it was something else.

He stood up from his park bench and walked around to the tree. He grabbed onto the lowest branch and pulled himself up into the tree. He huffed as he propped himself onto the limb. These human bodies are so frail... He thought to himself.

Looking up into the tree he smiled. "It must get lonely, just sitting here all alone."

There was silence. Then suddenly, Gilen leaped out of the tree and ran for the forest with lightning speed. It was impossible for the human eye to see, but Roland could see it well enough.

He hopped down from the tree and wandered over to the forest. Stepping onto a path that led through the trees, he walked in the direction that the Angel had flew. It took a long while before Roland found Gilen curled up against a tree, trying to catch his breath.

Roland stepped off the path. A twig crunched under his foot, causing Gilen to shoot up, ready to bolt again. Adrenaline pumped through the Angel's veins.

"Easy...easy," Roland smiled. "I'm not here to hurt you."

He remained silent.

"I simply came to say hello. You seemed lonely in the tree."

"H-how did you see me? Humans aren't supposed to see me," Gilen said quietly. His face twisted into one of confusion. "Are you not human?"

Roland chuckled and walked foreword, ignoring his question. Gilen took a step back, ready to flee if needed.

"What is your name?" Roland asked politely, as if he didn't already know.

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