| Flashback 2 |

48 7 10

8 years ago

Eunjin's POV

"Ugh, I wish I can be like Percy Jackson. Having those water powers." I paused while putting the book down and gave it a deep thought. 'What if I do have powers?! Okay, power. Get ready to be amazed by my awesomeness.' I closed my eyes and pointed my hands towards my glass of water that I didn't finish. I was slightly shaking my hands, not exactly knowing what to do. Once I opened my eyes, nothing happened.

"Oh come on! Why can't I-" I paused my sentence when I whipped my hand and saw the glass of water flying across the room. Hitting the wall while it breaks, and falling down with the water that was in it. "D-did I just? Oh my gosh. I did!" I once again, moved my hands towards the ceiling, using the water that was just wasted. My eyes widened in amazement. 'I actually have the ability to move water. Just by using my hands.' I moved my arms side to side, making the water follow the movements of my palms.

"Honey, what was tha-" my dad paused, watching me move the water that's flying around the room. "Who the hell are you?!" He screamed, going towards the kitchen. "W-what do you mean? I'm your daughter," I stuttered looking to the floor, making the water fall down aimlessly. 'Does he not like the idea of me having powers? Why is he judging right away?' Right when I looked up, I saw my dad holding a knife. My eyes widened in terror. "D-dad. What are you doing?" I asked while taking steps back away from him. Right when he swung the knife towards me, I put my arms up in defense. I didn't feel anything so I opened my eyes and see this water like field around my arms, stopping the knife right inside of it. I took this chance and ran out. Not wanting to see my mothers reaction.

'What is so wrong with having powers that makes him want to kill me?"

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