He's a softie

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You stepped into a big black walled mansion, you were taken back by how old it looked, then again. How old was slender? Your thought trail broke when you were

tackled by a little girl in a pink nightgown with bright green eyes and brown hair. "Hello, i'm sally. Will you play with me?"

You blinked "Hey..I'm y/n"

"Hi!, come play?"

Jeff eventually..........EVENTUALLY noticed your situation and quickly helped you up "Not now sally, she's busy"

Sally smiled "okay bubby, you big softie"

Jeff huffed "y/n. Meet me upstairs when your done looking around" he then stormed off.

"He's...a Little grumpy, Don't get me wrong..it makes him 100x more attractive." You said, suddenly realizing there was a child present. You looked down at the now confused

8 year old. "Uh..so can you show me around?" Sally nodded, Grabbed your hand and dragged you away.

After a few hours of walking around and introducing yourself, you thought it was best ou went up to see Jeff, You began walking up the stairs "So...many stairs" you huffed to yourself

"I got to work on my cardio" You paused at the top, Jeff was already there talking to his knife, you approached him slowly "Hey there wacko, Normal people talk to each other" you


"I guess i'm not normal, Did anyone ever tell you you've got a beautiful smile? I could make it permanent"

"Uh..i'll pass, maybe next time. What did you want to show me?"

He pointed to a large door with "slenders office" engraved on it.

"You're coming with me right?"

Jeff chuckled "Nope, you're on your own kiddo. Now go, he'll determine whether you stay or go, if you fail the test, you'll be transferred to Zalgos side, and if the rumors are

true, you won't survive" He walked over to you and flicked your nose "So don't fail, Shortcake" A smirk formed on top of his carved smile and he walked away laughing.

A shiver went down your spine at you knocked on the door and quick to answer...was Slender man.

Stitched Kisses (Jeff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now