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Her bedroom was grey, just like the clouds outside.

As she opened her eyes she looked at her surroundings; the light from the window reflected off the mirror and shone in her eyes. She closed them and rolled over, not wanting to get up and go out into this cold weather. After getting dressed, she headed out of the door to catch the familiar bus to school. It was twenty minutes late.

As she walked into the building a girl approached her and together they walked to the classroom.

The day passed as slowly as ever, with the thought of the final bell of the day occupying her mind. When that bell rang, she walked quickly out of the door and straight to the small park down the road. As she sat on the bench in the park, she watched as her breath condensed in the air and faded into the air. The sky grew dark around her and the streetlights turned on, one by one.

She sat there watching the many people walk past her; the single mother and two children who were walking home after a day at school, the two teenagers from year nine who were just so in love, the creepy man who stared at her just a little too long and the young woman who didn't look much older than her, pushing a pram. She enjoyed people watching. She enjoyed wondering what their stories were, and she created ones for them. This was the most interesting part of her day, the part where she let her imagination run free.

She was beautiful, in a strange way. She had one facial expression and her eyes lacked emotion. However, her face was perfectly symmetrical and she had a few brown freckles dotted over her pale nose and cheeks. Her eyes were a stunning blue-grey and her mouth imitated a pink rose, in some sort of way. She had thick, dark eyebrows and long, curled eyelashes that made her seem more mysterious, somehow.

After several hours of being sat on the same bench, she stood up, straightened her skirt, and walked to the stop where she caught the bus to her house. When she reached her home, she took her clothes off and got into bed in her underwear.

The next morning the sunlight woke her up and yesterday's events were repeated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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