Ameera Cornish - A Jessie J Fanfic

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Okay, so I know I haven't posted anything on my other fanfic for ages (...Im working on it...) but I was going through my memo's just now and I found this. I wrote this when I went on holiday ages ago and I didn't have any wifi so I just had to be creative... Kinda. So basically, I wrote this, and it's REALLY bad, like I'm not even being modest or anything... I just wrote it not intending for anyone to see it so I wasn't bothered making it sound good or nothing.... But I though yaknow, why not publish it? :)

Please, please feel free to stop reading when you get bored (probably guaranteed) but I can say that the further on it gets, the better it gets. This was the first fanfic I ever wrote so I improved (a bit :s) as I went along.

I'm not gonna bother with putting it in chapters or parts because its not that good, so it's just one long part... :P

It's not finished either because... Well... I went home and got wifi... So yeah XD If you want more then you're gonna have to write it yourself ;)

Also, I haven't proof read the whole thing, so it probably doesn't make much sense either...

So anyway, here it is. It's really cheesy and cliche and silly but here you go...


Ameera Cornish

I can't believe it.

I don't think it had really sunk in properly until now and the realisation hit me hard.

As I handed my bag to the security guy, my legs felt weak and my hands were shaking like there's no tomorrow. I knew how pathetic I was acting but it made no difference if I was aware of that or not. It made no difference that my two best friends were behind me nearly pissing themselves with laughter because of something really pointless no doubt. I don't think anything could change the way I feel right now. Or at least, nothing could bring me down from this crazy, excited, nervous high. What I was most worried about was the fact that I knew that this wasn't the extent my emotions were gonna go tonight, and that was scary to think about.

I suddenly felt really guilty for dragging Emily and Tamar along. I mean, don't get me wrong, I didn't force them into anything. They wanted to come. But I grant that when I invited them I knew that they had no idea what they had gotten into. I felt bad about it now. They are gonna have to deal with pathetic, emotional, hyper and mad me all evening and I kinda left out that part when I told them they could come with me.

I was glad of their company though and it definitely made the 3 hour queue go much quicker with all the laughs that we would have for no reason at all. I love them and I don't know what I'd do without them. Like, if there wasn't at least one of them here to make sure that I still have a little bit of dignity by tomorrow, then god knows what state I'd have gotten myself into!

I'm gonna have to have a word with them before my emotions escalate even more so that I can warn them of what I will undoubtedly be like.

After all three of us had been security checked we bundled messily through the large doors and into the huge arena being pushed from behind by the hundreds of manic girls.

When I realised that we were ahead of everyone else I sped to the front of the room, with Emily and Tamar having to run to keep up with me.

I couldn't believe my luck. We were stood right at the front, and I had chosen the place with the best view of the stage you could get.

As the arena started to fill up I decided now was the best time to confess to them about how I would act.

"Guys, can I tell you something?" I asked seriously and they both looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2013 ⏰

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