What About Your Friends?

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Ordinary Life:

"🎧What about your friends, will they stand their ground or will they let you down again..?🎧"

Teesha's headphones rung.

"Take those...distractions out of your ear, Ms." Teesha's teacher, Mrs. Riley interupted her nap.

Teesha lifted her head, and gave Ms. Riley "the look".

"Ummm...can I help you? Im kinda busy.." Teesha rolled her eyes.

"Ummm...No. But I'm trying to help you, thats if you're even awake to get it" Mrs. Riley said sarcastically.

Teesha sat up, putting her TLC jam session on pause. Folding her arms, she scanned the room, watching everyone's eyes on her. Teesha was the "Bad Type." Not too bad, but she wasn't too good either. No friends. Maybe 1 or 2 acquaintances here and there, but no one wanted to be her friend.

*Brrr-diing* The bell rung, and all students were no where to be found.

Teesha was last to leave.

While walking home,(well...to her motel) she thought to herself...

"What if I actually had friends..? Who would they be? What's it like?"

She didn't know what it was like to have friends. How it felt to be loved...cared for...forgiven.

Teesha was the kind of girl who just couldn't admit her wrong. No matter what it was, she'd lie about the tiniest of things...not even Teesha knows why. With her parents no longer trusting her, she's pretty much on her own. She stole, cheated, lied, abused, talked back. She isolated herself from the start. Never trusting anyone from Day: 1.


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