Chapter 7

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Special thanks to @On_Phoenix_Wing, for the use of Griffin and Hippogriff Wing, and @fluffyseal553 for the use of Nyx! Please tell me if you do not like the way that your characters are written, and I will change them. I will also come back to your characters again (With your permission), so thank you so much for allowing me to use them!

Just a reminder that OCs are still being accepted! I do need some Earth Ponies still, so please keep all of your wonderful OCs coming!


Harmonia gazed absentmindedly out the window, watching the Pegasi and unicorns and earth ponies flooding through the gates. The first wave. Anxiety tore at her heart with the fangs of a wild beast. These ponies were all in terrible danger. Some might even perish in the fight to come. If I could have done more back then... These ponies would not be in danger. If I had not created- Her thoughts were interrupted by the patter of hooves behind her. A guard rushed towards her.

"Princess Celestia wants you in the Throne Room, Princess." He said, winded. He bowed, though, and a smile danced upon her lips. 

"No need for such formalities. I am Harmonia, and I wish for you to address me as such. Thank you for the message."The guard nodded his head and ran off. Harmonia turned towards the Throne Room and prepared to meet The First Wave. 

As She entered the Throne Room, she saw Celestia and Luna with their heads together, talking quietly. She approached, and they turned to look at her. "Ah, Harmonia. You have arrived just in time. Any moment now, the guards will let the ponies in." Celestia then began to explain how the ceremony was going to occur. "I will begin by welcoming everypony, and then I will turn the time over to you to explain the danger. And then Luna will explain what curriculum shall be taught."

Harmonia nodded. she breathed deeply and turned toward the door, adopting a small, welcoming smile. The guards looked to Celestia, who nodded, and then opened the doors slowly, revealing a mass of ponies looking in in awe at the three princesses at the end of the room. They walked slowly into the room, occasional whispers echoing around the walls. Once everyone was in and the doors closed, Celestia addressed the mass. 

"Welcome, ponies! It is extraordinary to see all of you of such different backgrounds gathered together here." Her expression turned grave. "It is a shame that it must be under these dire circumstances." Murmurs broke out across the room as Celestia turned to look at me. As I stepped forward, the sounds ceased as all yes turned towards me.

Harmonia stepped forward. "Ponies of Equestria, I am Harmonia. Dire circumstances stand before us. An old enemy has emerged, ones who call themselves the 'Shadow Folk'. They are very ancient, and ruthless beyond compare. We have summoned you all here to make a stand against them. If any of you wish to leave, you may. We shall not hold it against any of you."

The ponies murmured once more. Four ponies turned towards the doors, stepping out with heads hung low. Others gazed forward, determination revealed in their eyes and the flicking of their tails. 

Harmonia dipped her head and stepped back, allowing Luna to take over. "The point of this academy is to train ponies to defend themselves. You all will learn skills from my sisters and I, skills that will help each of you defend Equestria if and when the need arises. Pegasi will learn offensive and defensive flight maneuvers. Unicorns will learn offensive and defensive magic. Earth Ponies will learn offensive and defensive fighting and maneuvering, and each of you will learn to work in teams of three, one Unicorn, one Pegasus, and one Earth Pony. Each of you will learn to work together to create the ideal defense squad."

Luna's horn glowed and a scroll unrolled itself in front of her. The scroll contained names of different ponies, who had already been sorted into groups. "Once you hear your name, please gather into your groups." She c;eared her throat, then announced in a booming voice, "Griffin, Unicorn. Hippogriff wing, Pegasus. Atom Spring, Earth Pony."

Three ponies came out of the crowd, gathering together in a tight group of three. Griffin looked awkward, pressing into Hippogriff Wing's flank. Atom Spring looked ahead with calculating eyes, his head held high, as if he were analyzing his new group. Hippogriff Wing held her head high, excitement gleaming in her face. 

Pony after pony was called, until the last group was created. "All right, everypony. your classes begin tomorrow. Be in your groups before class begins, and we will begin. You are all free to go." The crowd trotted out of the Throne Room, their tails held high and their chattering voices bouncing off of the walls. Harmonia turned to her sisters. "After we have trained all of the ponies here, we must seek help from other kingdoms."

Celestia nodded. "Do you remember Nyx? She is still a close friend of the kingdom. She will lend us help."

harmonia nodded. "And the Sea Ponies? Do they still exist?"

Luna nodded. "Yes, in the upper reaches of Equestria dwells their civilization."

She nodded. "Good. We may need their help."

The three ponies continued talking, but the topic had turned to lesson plans, and the day wore on. 

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