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Paola's lego alarm clock started echoing through her room. She opened her eyes and laid in bed for a good 5 minutes, and then closed her eyes again. She woke up 10 minutes later to then fall asleep again. Paola woke up once more and got dressed, then went to bed again. She woke up at 7:20 and brushed her teeth then left the house to go to her bus stop.

Hern bus driver, Jose, takes a good 20 minutes to arriver at her stop. Paola got on the bus and she saw Tish. She said hi to her, Tish looked st her and looked away. Paola felt pain at Tish's ignorance.

They arrive at their high school, she walked off the bus and the first person she saw was, Kevin. Her heart started beating quickly. She could only stare at him with awe, he ran his fingers through his hair, making Paola's heart flutter. He glanced at her and looked away. He laughed at Brandy jokes. You could hear Paola's heart shattering.

"Paola." Tish said poking her shoulder, "We have to go to in the school, they're gonna give us lunch detention if we don't."

Paola nodded and followed Tish to the school's entrance. They walked to their lockers, it was quite convenient that Paola's locker was next to his. But this was also depressing, because he never noticed her. 

The bell rang and Kevin ended up dropping most of his papers. Paola closed her locker and helped him. Her heart was pounding, this was the closest they've ever been. He took the papers she collected and stuffed them in his binder, "Thank you." He said smiling at her. Paola's heart started beating even faster.

"HURRY UP GO TO HOMEROOM." Teachers yelled. Paola ran off to her homeroom.

My otp will come true

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