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The next day I woke up extremely exhausted for some reason.  I looked at the clock and realized I woke up 3 hours before school starts.  Out of frustration I roll back over and try to sleep but I can't.  So reluctantly I got out of the warmth of my blankets and went to the gym across the street from my apartment.  

The gym didn't have very many people in it.  maybe 5 at most.  I was grateful for that.  I don't really like doing anything in front of other people.  Especially people I don't know.  I worked out for about and hour and a half.  When I realized what time it was I quickly went home to shower and get ready. 

When I got out of the shower and started to get dressed I noticed that I was actually in pretty good shape.  I don't like to look in the mirror but today I just felt like looking and seeing what I actually looked like today.  As I looked at myself in the mirror I realized I'm pretty tall for a girl.  Not as tall as every girl but pretty tall.  I also realized that I somehow got a small six pack.  Not really noticeable like the guys but you can see it pretty well on me.  I didn't mind though, I thought it looked pretty bad ass.  I then look at the clock and realize I have to get to school quickly so I put on a pair of black leggings and a long sleeved black shirt with a skull on the front, along with my black convers.  I then quickly put my hair into a high ponytail with my bangs parting to the left. 

Time skip because I to lazy to write anything else

The school day was finally almost over.  I swear to god I felt like laying down and dying at this point because Whitney and her trio of friends decided to overlook me beating the shit out of her "bodyguards" and try to play the tough guy again and it annoys the shit out of me. 

About ten minutes before the final bell rang another note fell on my desk.  I quickly look up and look around to see who threw the note on my desk and see no one looking my way, so I cautiously open the note to see what was written in it this time.  (In note) "Hey you stupid bitch, you think you're so tough all because of a few days ago? Well tough luck, cuz you not.  But if you want to prove it then meet me after school behind the cafeteria.  Oh yeah you also don't have a choice to this, not if you don't want Cera to get hurt.  So I suggest you hurry your ass after the bell rings you bitch. - Queen Bee" 

Ok, now I was pissed, not only did they call me a bitch, but they got someone else involved in such a stupid thing.  After the bell rang I decided it would be best if I didn't run into this without a plan first, or at least get a hold on the situation.  I don't even know who Cera.  So I calmly walked around the building towards the back of the cafeteria. 

When I got there I saw Whitney and her trio, along with the kid I "saved" a few days ago.  He looked scared. Probably mostly because he was being pinned to the wall by another guy that had to be twice his size and three times bigger than me.  Whitney just stared at me with a somewhat amused smile plastered on her face.  Everyone else was wearing a superior grin on there face and it irked me to no end seeing this. 

I decided it would be best to keep a bored expression on my face for the moment, no matter how mad I was at the moment. I looked over at the boy I guess is Cera.  He is taller than me by at least 3 inches.  He's pretty thin so I guess I can see what makes him a target to these assholes.  He has short curly hair that covers his eyes and his skin is extremely pale.  When I look at him I can't help but wonder if he's sick or what.

"*sigh* so Bitchney, what do you want?" I ask her in a monotone voice. I swear after I said that I could hear a few of her "friends" try to stifle laughs.  Whitney angrily glared at them causing them to stop and quickly turned her attention to me.  "Nothing much you retard. Just want to see you bleeding is all." she said.  "Umm, dude if you want to see me bleed you'll have to wait at least another 2 weeks dude, I'm not ready right now." I said trying to look bashful.  I could tell she wasn't really expecting a comment like that because right after I said that her jaw dropped for half a min and she looked like a fish gasping for air.  It was actually really funny, I would have laughed if it was under different circumstances. 

Her expression then turned from one of shock to one of anger and she quickly clicked her fingers together and the boy that had Cera quickly twisted his arm behind his back and pushed his face into the wall and pulled his arm up behind his shoulder blades causing him to yelp in pain.  The boy laughed at his pain and I felt really bad for Cera.  Without realizing it I yelled out "STOP IT YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!" and quickly ran up and punched the guy in his gut causing him to let go of Cera.  The boy stepped back slightly fazed by my punch but not out for the count yet.  

Cera flopped to the ground grasping his arm in pain.  He looked like he was about to cry from pain, but wasn't about to, not in front of these assholes anyways.  The boy looked at Whitney and she nodded her head, most likely giving him permission  to "beat" me.  Realizing this I got into a fighting stance ready for him to charge, but what I didn't realize was that Whitney had other goons waiting in the shadows of the building for a signal.  When she gave it they all jumped out and tackled me to the ground. 

I grunted in pain trying to wiggle my way out from under what I guess what at least 6 guys.  But my efforts were useless, they had me in an iron grip and weren't going to let go anytime soon. They quickly lifted me off the floor and held me up so that I faced the boy that hurt Cera.  The boy slowly walked up to me cracking his knuckles and neck looking so ready to punch me like a punching bag.  He came up to me and cocked back his fist and quickly brought it down on my face. 

The feeling of his fist colliding with my nose and the rest of my face wasn't a happy feeling.  He then continued to beat me and punch me in the face and the gut for a few minutes.  But then he started to get bored of punching me so he had his friends drop me and he started to kick me in the side.  At this point I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open but from what I could see my blood was all over the guy and the floor.  I saw Whitney and her smug look a Cera in the corner also being beaten. 

Now at this point I was past being mad.  I was furious, no more than furious, I was starting to feel murderous.  And I had a pretty good feeling on who my next "victims" would be.  On the next kick coming for my gut I quickly grabbed his foot and flipped him on his back.  I was so furious that I felt myself go from me to "HER".  I hopped on top of the boy and beat at his face and head-butted him knocking him out.  I slowly got up, no, no I, she.  Lu, got up.  Not Luka.  As Lu slowly got up she looked around and saw everyone else stare with fear in there eyes.  Lu found this to be extremely entertaining.  Oh how Lu wanted to play with her victims more before she had to finish the job, but she was far to angry at the moment to really care either way. 

Quickly she moved to the next boy and attacked him.  She moved so fast that everyone had a hard time seeing what she had exactly done.  But one thing they figured out was that they shouldn't look into her eye's, or even look at her at the moment.  Because from what Cera saw from just a glimpse was enough to give him nightmares tonight.  Her eyes, nothing but the urge for blood could be seen in them, a dark aura surrounded her body like a cloak.  Most of everyone had ran away at this point but Cera remained, stricken by fear.  Lu slowly stared to walk towards Cera.  Scared Cera tried to back up as far as he could into to was to stay as far away from her as possible but was failing miserably. 

Lu was right in front of him now.  Looking him dead in the eye.  In one moment her hand was reaching out to touch him, but the next thing he knew she was tackled to the ground.  Lu was thrashing around trying to get who ever tackled her off of her but was failing.  The next thing she knew she was being strangled and felt unconsciousness falling on her.  The next thing she knew she was surrounded in darkness.

Author's note

Sorry for the really late update, hit a inspiration stump and life got really busy. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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