Leonard McCoy Imagine

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It all started with an away mission. You, Leonard, and a handful of other crew member's were sent down to an uncharted planet to check out the organisms and such that inhabited the area.

So far, the planet was pretty bland. There was nothing too interesting, and the mission started to feel more like a chore then an adventure. Not only that, but Leonard seemed to be ignoring you. He would walk as far away as he possibly could, only giving short, one worded answers when you asked him a question. He had never done this before, so it was really starting to worry you. When you confronted him about it, he snapped and got angry, telling you to leave him alone. You quietly followed his orders and walked behind the group, a couple of feet away.

When the little group was walking along a cliff was when things got worse. A quiet rumbling made you freeze. The ground started to shake, making you slightly lose your balance. A cracking sound filled your ears and your heart stopped when the loosely packed rock beneath your feet gave away.

A scream ripped itself from your throat when gravity started to bring you off the cliff. Your fight or flight response took action and your hands shot forward and grabbed a hold the part of the ground still connected to the surface. Your legs dangled from the cliff, having no place to rest.

"Help! Someone, please help!" You yelled. Your arms started to shake from holding up your body weight.

A familiar blue-shirted doctor walked into your view, but he did nothing to help. He just... stared, not lifting a finger to get you away from danger.

Usually, Leonard would be the first person on the case if there were ANYTHING dangerous going on, especially around you and his close friends. He would always fawn over you especially, when you were hurt or scared. Leonard was always there for you, but it seems like that changed.

The two of you had a staring contest, your hands starting to slip from the rock you were gripping. Leonard just stood, watching your fingers lose their grip with an emotionless haze over his eyes.

Finally deciding to say something, you pleaded to him, emotion starting to weasel it's way into your voice.

"Leo, please!"


His answer startled you and it almost made you lose your grip. He didn't let you comment and kept talking.

"You really think that I care that much about you? That I love you as much as you think I do? No. I never loved you. I just kept you around for show. I mean, who wouldn't want to be dating the Captain's sister? It really got me a good image around the ship. Besides, I'd prefer Jocelyn over you anyway."

That really struck you deep. One of your greatest fears was that you weren't good enough or that Leonard may prefer his ex-wife over you. You had seen her only once before but in your opinion, she looked better than you in everyway. Leonard had noticed your discomfort and instantly listed off the reasons why you were better, which was, in his opinion, everything. But hearing his confession now, tore your heart in half.

You looked up at him, an expression of complete betrayal on your face. To your horror, he only smirked and stomped on the land that was keeping you alive. As expected, it gave way and you became airborne, falling down to the rocky surface below.


You shot out of the covers on your bed, quickly draping your legs over the edge. Your lungs felt like they were collapsing in on themselves and you couldn't breathe.

Great, a panic attack.

You buried your head in your hands, trying to take a proper breath. Tears rolled down your cheeks like a waterfall. No matter what you did though, you couldn't stop thinking about the dream.

Was it true? Did your whole relationship mean nothing to Leonard and you were only being used as a show dog? God, you couldn't even think about what you would do if it were true.

You didn't even hear the shuffling on the bed until a warm hand pressed itself onto your back. You sprung to your feet and whipped around, seeing Leonard with a confused and concerned expression, eyebrows knitted together.

You stumbled back, a hand pressed to your forehead, still sobbing. Your back eventually hit a wall, and you crumpled down onto the floor. Your heart was completely out of control, trying to figure out how to work again.

Quick footsteps ran across the room and stopped at your side. A soft hum sounded for a second before stopping. You assumed Leonard had scanned you over to see what the problem was.

An arm wound itself behind your back and one beneath your knees, lifting you up. The two of you didn't actually go back to the bed; Leonard just sat on the floor, cradling your body to his.

"I need you to breathe sweetheart. Okay? Follow me. In through the nose, out through the mouth." His voice was soft, yet demanding, knowing the consequences if he didn't get you calmed down.

He held your head to his chest, right above his heart, while he rubbed circles on your skin with his thumb. You felt the rhythm of his breathing and tried to follow it. At first, things were shaky, but after some time, your lungs started to fill with more air.

He would constantly praise you over your efforts to get your breathing under control. It made you feel better, and even made you crave more compliments.

A good hour passed and all that was left of the attack were hiccups and a silent flow of tears. Leonard didn't ask you to tell him about the dream, seeing how it would probably make the situation worse, so he resulted to keeping you close and letting you know how much he cared.

You ended up falling asleep from exhaustion, still clinging to his shirt; knuckles white and dry tear tracks on your cheeks. He easily carried you back to your shared bed and climbed in with you. You were unconsciously still gripping onto his shirt, not planning on letting go anytime soon.

Leonard called in for a personal day so he could stay at your quarters and be there when you woke up so you didn't feel alone. He made a mental note to ask you what went on in the dream, but it could wait.

Your comfort was more important.

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