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Holding a tray of soup and bread, I watched it carefully as the elevator slowed down on the last level before stopping with a jolt. A small ding sounded and the doors opened, the white lights so bright even now I had to take a moment to get used to it even now.

In their offices, both Dr Mark and Francine Miles both stared at their computers as they typed furiously in silence. They didn't even look up as I walked past them as I headed straight down the row of beds, all of which were empty thankfully.

Since the General had decided that there would be no more raids for a little while, no one had gotten injured which was great but at the same time, some people, mainly the elite squad were getting restless.

When they had arrived back after their expedition to Kanas, everyone had remained in constant fear that at any minute Michael, the traitorous bastard, would give up our location and we would be drowning with Golik. But it had now been just over a month or two since they had come back and there hadn't been any activity coming in our direction, just the same old trucks driving down the road. Some suspected they would starve us out but the General assured everyone that we had enough food to last two generations.

"You just going to stand there or are you going to serve me my food woman?" Eli Simpson teased, sitting upright and I felt myself relax a little, a smile spreading on my face.

A few weeks ago, Dr Mark had come out of his office to see Eli sitting up, trying to pull the drip from his arm and the feeding tube from his nose. He had been giving the okay but had been asked to stick around because even though he was okay physically, they wanted to monitor his brain for any bleeds.

"Sorry, I was thinking about the meeting we just had," I murmured, putting the tray on his lap before sitting next to him on his bed, "People still feel uneasy... The General has no idea how to calm everyone down. They are going stir crazy which is odd because most of them haven't been to the surface in years."

"Mmm," he murmured unconcerned as he sipped his soup, "It's probably because now they know they can't, they want to."

"God I hope not." I shuddered, remembering the last time I had been on the surface.

During my imprisonment with the Golik, scientists had experimented on the prisoners to see if we could become advanced in any way. To say I was one of the lucky ones who had survived the experimentations was an understatement. Most of the prisoners would suffer long agonising deaths, suffering for weeks on end, lying in pools of vomit, blood and shit. The Golik never showed mercy, studying and watching the effects their special serums had on us. My experimentation was a one of a kind and I had been treated like a rare, exotic bird; caged up but pampered. They never hurt me, not intentionally and I always had enough to eat though I wouldn't touch anything they gave me. My abilities allowed me to control people's emotion and I could project my own feelings on others too. In the beginning, I had no control and I still don't, but back then I was able to make some of the scientists loathe their lives, their very existence and many of them had killed themselves in my presence because I had willed it.

And I didn't feel sorry at all. I was a monster.

Subject #0386

"Hey Lydia, you okay? You've gone pale." Eli placed his hand on top of my own, his grey eyes filled with concern and my heart pumped unsteadily as my stomach fluttered in delight. He was worried about me which made me feel things I hadn't felt since before the evasion... and maybe not even then. Suddenly, Eli's face went from a frown to a wide smile though it didn't meet those beautiful haunting eyes of his. "You are having one of your mood swings?"

"Sorry," I cleared my throat and dialled my influence in best I could and tried my best to keep my feelings to myself, "Yeah must be."

"Mhmm," Eli eyed me suspiciously and I gave him a cheeky smile, "Have you seen Olive?"

My smile slipped off my face and I slowly shook my head, knowing it would upset him. "I'm sorry."

"Have you gotten a chance to tell her I'm actually alive? Or does she not care about the living anymore?" Eli sneered pushing his tray away from him and I flinched away from him sighing, looking at my hands, not able to meet his eyes.

I had been the one to break the news about Ollie's death and it had shattered him, though he didn't react like Olive had. While she raged and attempted to kill Katie before blowing up a small city, Eli sat in bed like a zombie as though he had died as well. He stayed like for three days, not eating and only receiving fluids via his drip. On the third day, he cried for hours and begged me to take him to his grave. Sadly we weren't allowed to but I had promised him the moment we were allowed to go, we would.

When Eli had woken up, I had rushed around the chambers to find Olive and naturally I found her in the training room with Ezra.

"Olive!" I had cried out in happiness and had stopped dead when she turned around. Her face was bruised and her bottom lip swollen with a huge cut in the middle. Ezra didn't look much better, his face looking like he had just been through a meat grinder and blood was dripping from his mouth. Olive's appearance had startled me, not because of her bashed-in face, her brilliant green eyes had stilled me. Once full of life and spark, it was like I was staring into empty eyes.

"What?" She had snapped, annoyed I had interrupted her training and I cleared my throat, remembering why I was here.

"Eli's finally awake, he's asking for you." I grinned at her and for a moment, there a small flicker of life in her dead eyes but it was a moment that passed. I had made it a conscious effort to never look at other emotions, feeling like I was somehow invading their privacy but with Olive, I could help it. When I stood there, measuring her emotions I felt nothing but burning anger, so potent that it almost hurt to feel it.

"Good for him. Now piss off would you?" She rolled her eyes like it wasn't important and threw a punch at Ezra's face.

"No, she's been... busy." I chose my words carefully as I continued to play with my fingers. I hadn't told Eli about her reaction, knowing it would upset him more. Instead, he was just mad at her for not visiting which I thought was much healthier.

"Figures. She's going to get herself into trouble... or worse." Eli pulled a piece of bread apart, handing me a slice which I took gratefully, giving me something to do with my mouth instead of kissing him. My heart pumped uncomfortable at the idea of our lips touching and I quickly swallowed my piece of bread.

"Frankie's had enough, she wants Olive reprimanded but the General can never catch her. She's in and out before anyone realises she's been here." I looked at him in the eyes, seeing the pain of hearing about his sister's downward spiral, "She's out of control Eli, I'm sorry but it's the truth."

Olive, Ezra, Little Jon and Robin were out of control. They were running unauthorised raids, taking out Golik where ever they could find them and stay out for so many days, some people can't remember the last time they'd seen the group of troublemakers. Frankie and Duke were on a war path, they were so enraged with her actions that not even Spencer could calm them down.

"If I could get out of here, I'd sort her out myself." He spoke loud enough for the two doctors to hear him but neither commented. Looking back at me, he grabbed my hand stroking it gently, "I'm thankful I have you, though... Helping me and shit. It's nice being looked after." He murmured his grey eyes boring into mine and I felt my cheeks reddened.

"Eli..." I breathed, trying to find the words but suddenly the elevator door opened and Spencer raced over towards us. Eli and I quickly pulled away from each other and Spencer pretended not to notice thankfully. Spencer's blonde curls bounced around his forehead, beads of sweat were dripping down his face and I frowned at him curiously. His eyes looked so tired and stressed and for a moment, I thought someone had been killed or worse... taken.

"Olive's back and she's on a war path." Spencer breathed out, panting like he had just run a marathon and I locked eyes with an anxious looking Eli before turning back to Spencer.

"Why? What's happened?"

"She's been arrested by Frankie and Duke. They are taking her to the people's court."

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