Chapter seventeen

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A week passed quietly and thankfully no one died under the watchful eye of Doc, Francine and Reece who had become their new training doctor. He picked up things really quickly and it was fascinating to watch him work. Connor did a fractured cheekbone as I suspected and was made to sit and do nothing with his face which was hard for him. Michael was up and moving within a day and Doc had asked our permission if he could run some trails on his body. Not really having a say in it, I had left it up to Michael who had agreed so long as he wasn't taking up another bed that could be used for someone else. Eager, Doc had shoved his worries aside and began tests.

The tests included things like how long it took Michael's body to recover from minor cuts for starters and although I knew that he wanted to see how he did with a major wound, like a stab wound, he hadn't had the nerve to ask. I could have killed Doc because as soon as Michael had guessed that was what he wanted to try, the stupid idiot had grabbed a sculpt and stabbed himself. It had been both hilarious and enough to almost make me go into cardiac arrest.

After that, Doc wasn't afraid to ask because at least he could do the injuries in a controlled environment. As I watched Doc perform experiment after experiment, I began to realise how incredibly durable Michael was and it got me thinking of my possible potential. However, I couldn't even get the words out of my mouth before both Doc and Michael were shutting me down while Eli slapped me in the arm. That was the only thing Michael and Eli agreed on.

Eli certainly was not nice to Michael, he kept his word and barely looked at him even though Michael was always civil with him. Even Lydia was being nice to Michael and she had hated him in the beginning. Eli thought I had recruited Lydia to gang up on him but this simply caused Lydia to lash out at him, clearly annoyed that everything she did had a motive. She defended herself by saying that she simply didn't want to take part in the pettiness that he was creating the situation.

After that, Eli stayed away from the hospital.

A couple of days after everyone had settled, I had made my way up to the entrance that had been caved in. I knew I shouldn't have but I searched for Hercules body, wanting to bury him properly but I had no luck. Other families of the fallen were there mourning and I left before anyone could see me. I had come back with a few bits of ply wood and handed it to each of the families.

"We can't bury them yet, but we can have a tombstone of sorts for them." I had encouraged and they had nodded eagerly. Now when I walk into that entrance, you saw a row ply wood with the names of those who died.

And at the end, I had shoved the wood deep into the ground and wrote Hercules name with tears streaming down my face.

The Colorado left after a week and a half and honestly I was glad of it. James, even while injured, was just constantly up in my business and with Michael tucked safely away in the hospital, I really had no buffer. Word had clearly spread that Michael and I were together but that didn't stop him from flirting. It wasn't until he was about to leave, that he laid it all on the line.

"Olive, listen. It's like you've somehow infected me, I can't get you out of my head. Every day I try and move on, I try to move past you but I can't seem to see anything but you. It's like you've blinded me, as though my eyes can't adjust or something." He had sprouted and I frowned, it sounding oddly familiar. Ezra thankfully had been around and he knew exactly what it had been referenced from.

"Did you just quote New Moon from the Twilight Saga?" He called out and I crossed my arms in response. James had tried to fall back saying he couldn't think of any other way to tell me how he felt to which I said, "I'm with Michael but hey if that doesn't work out, don't bother waiting because biologically I can never be attracted to anyone but Michael. Sorry."

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