phase 6

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The next three weeks went by pretty fast. The same routine and courting rituals that made Sarah fall deeper into Blairs trap and made her more comfortable and confident around her suitor. Blair, Jessica and Katie were currently in the library studying for an upcoming French unit test. Katie kept popping her head up to look between Jessica and Blair while finishing off some math.

She was curious about how Blair was with Sarah and was hoping for a positive update on their relationship. Even though through every girl Blair targeted, the first date was always a success. She kept fidgeting in her seat and her foot kept tapping impatiently. Katie sighed, hoping to catch her friends' attention.

"Se maquiller, that's to put make up on right?" Jessica asked, not bothering to look up from her books.

"Mhmm." Blair responded, also fixated on her textbook.

"I took Italian." Katie blurted out. The two girls showed a confused expression at her sudden outburst and slowly looked up at her with raised eyebrows.

"We already knew that." Blair squinted.

"Why'd you-"

"Speaking of Italians!" Katie interrupted Jessica.

"How was your date with Sarah!"

Katie gave her self an internal high five and bit her lip to hide her satisfied smirk. Nice Katie, you are as smooth as your legs!

Blair blinked, then shook her head in disbelief and returned her focus on her books. Katie pouted, and looked at Jessica for help who was looking at her with an amused smirk. Then she felt a vibration.

"Ur unbelievable." -Jessiepoo

Katie looked up and glared at her friend before furiously typing a response back.

"I was just curious!"

"The girls are all the same, why does it matter to you?"

"Cuz I want my friend to end up with a nice girl and stop her sexual innuendos that will potentially lead her to an STD!!!!! 😡"

"😡😡😡". She sent again with a scowl.


"R u done wit the emojis?" -jessipoo

Katie huffed before responding. "😡"

"Kat, omg!"

"It was either that or flip the table!"  Katie shot back.

"Are you two texting about me?" Blair asked with a raised eyebrow which made Katie look up with a blush.

"What, no!"


The two said in unison.

"Maybe." Katie mumbled after a few seconds and gave her friend a sly smile. "Why do you have to be so rude!"

"Jesus, Katie. For how long we've been friends, I thought you'd finally get with the program and quit asking about the girls every single time!" Blair sighed exasperatedly.

"I'm just curious! I want you to find your girl and stop with all the promiscuity!" Katie defended herself. Than she pulled out her phone again and typed a message to Jessica.

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