The Wolf Of Her Dreams?

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She knew she was asleep. She remembered taking her migraine medication at the airport while waiting on Carrie to come and pick her up. It had been a risky move on her part, but her headache had quickly reached migraine status and was getting out of control. It had already reached the point to where the lights in the airport were hurting her eyes. So, she had taken her medicine and prayed that Carrie had made it in time.

But she was definitely asleep. However, she could hear the sexiest voice that she had ever heard, and feel heat from a warm body next to her. It made her think of her husband. But wait, he had been gone for about three years now, so that couldn't be him. "What a great dream." Katie thought. Then as she sank deeper into her slumber, she began to dream of the Scottish Highlands and their heather covered hills and the beauty of how green everything was and how she longed to return. She remembered that the last time she was there, she had hated to leave, feeling like she was leaving something of great importance behind. From out of nowhere a large grey wolf ran up to her and sat down at her feet and stared at her.

"Hello beautiful. Where did you come from and why are you with me? Surely it's dangerous for you to be around humans. They don't understand your kind. All they understand is that you get hungry and kill their livestock." Daringly, she reached out a hand and let it sink into the wolf's fur around his neck, where it was the thickest. It was her dream after all. The eyes of the wolf were surprisingly intelligent looking and stared at her disconcertingly unflinching, as if trying to convey a message.

"If you're trying to tell me something, you're going to have to do a better job than that. I'm just an ordinary human and don't understand wolf-eyes." Even in here in her dream, Katie felt a little silly talking to the wolf, but it seemed to understand her and even made a coughing sound that was similar to laughter. "Are you laughing at me?" Katie had decided that it was just a dream and she would do what she wanted in it.

The wolf seemed to nod his head as he coughed-laughed again. Without warning the large wolf jumped up on his hind legs and stared down into Katie's eyes. Again, just as suddenly, he licked her. His big tongue swiped the whole left side of her face, leaving it wet with saliva. He was coughing-laughing as he got down and ran off in the direction he came from.

"Ewwww, that's just gross. It's not so bad when a dog licks you on the face. But when you get your face washed by a wolf, well, that's another story altogether."

Katie sank deep into unconsciousness again to sleep off her headache. Little did she know that her encounter with the wolf was just the beginning of the next chapter of her life.


Sunlight streamed through the windows of her bedroom as Katie lay in her bed. She reveled at the feel of it, loving how comfortable it was. She and John had purchased it just days before he had died. In fact, he had never gotten to sleep in it. It had not been delivered until days after the funeral. Shoppping for the bed had been a delightful chore that they had had much fun doing. It had miffed and upset Sean that his parents would act like teenagers in public while they were shopping for a mattress. At one point, he had been so embarrassed that he had left the store to wait for them outside.

Coming fully awake, she realized she wasn't alone in the bed. Moving quickly, she rolled out of bed and opened her nightstand drawer and withdrew the pistol. Coming to stand at the foot of the bed, she let her gaze wash over the man that seemed content to lay there in HER bed and watch her as she pointed a loaded pistol at his heart.

"It's not you know." His voice was soft, deep and oh-so very sexy. It washed over her like a waterfall. And like a waterfall, it carried many things with it. Lust, longing, rapid heartbeats and the feeling of something greater.

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