Chapter 7: I Think I Do...

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*Zuri POV*

She felt as though her face would explode from anger and embarrassment. Griff and Zuri both shuffled their feet until Griff said, "Can I sit?"

"May I sit," Zuri corrected. Immediately, she kicked herself. That was probably the stupidest thing thing she's ever done. 

Griff seemed to agree. He turned red and said, "Um... okay. May I sit?"


Griff thought about sitting beside Zuri, but he must have found that awkward, because he sat on the other side of the table. 

"So... are you all right? When I said hi, you turned around, almost like you were avoiding me..."

Zuri rubbed her hands together. "Yeah, I'm okay. I just... I feel like it's too awkward between us. Can't we just talk like we used to. I miss those days."

*Griff POV*

For the first time in a long while, Griff felt a weight lifted off his shoulders.

"Yeah. I'd like that."

Zuri blushed and smiled at him. He did the same. Then he caught sight of Zuri's hand, and he did something dangerous. He grabbed it and held it gingerly. Zuri's eyes widened and their fingers intertwined. 

Griff chuckled. "Good to know we're just friends."


Bunk'd: Griff And ZuriDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora