At The Club

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-Hurry up Jo! Alex is waiting for us.
I hear Gary telling me to rush from the other room. I run my hand through my hair- its messy even though i just brushed it - and yell back at him that im ready. I take a look at myself. Damn i look cool. Wearing just a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with a teddy bear in it , but im pretty nice. Alex is finally here and we dont miss a second but we head to the club.
The feeling of walking on that tight small hall at the begging of the disco, where you can hear the music and mostly drunk people's laughs is the best feeling ever. We walk in. That big disco ball is spreading red, blue and green lights everywhere. Im almost going blind. The music is so loud you can feel it going deep down your soul, giving you that big rush of adrenaline and making you wanna dace. The view of everyone dancing like crazy animals and drinking ,who knows how many glasses, of vodka, gives you life. Its true that im not always that type of guy, but here everyone looks so happy, young and reckless and i for sure want to join.
- A vodka, please! - I order. After some shoots it starts getting hot so i decide to dance. I dont care about my dance moves, you know, theyre pretty bad anyway.
Im on the dance floor just enjoying myself. No i didnt bring my girlfriend with me. Its the dudes night. Gary and Alex are around tasting some strong vodka ,but ive had enough already so i just wanna move around enjoyining the music with my body. I cant help it. The loud sounds, that make hou go crazy and just jump around with your hands in the air, are rushing in my blood now. Suddenly a remix of Marvin Gaye starts playing and im looking around for someone to dance with. Im a bit high okay. Im looking around, but no, nothing. Everyone seems to have a partner so sighning loudly i walk away. Im not really paying attention to where im going, im just trying to find my mates.
Ouch. I just hit something. It didnt hurt that much but... i look up or do i say down. Oh dear god you did a nice job here. Whats that beautiful girl you created? I mean look at her deep blue eyes,they look so dreamy. Her red messy hair gives her that careless look. Not to mention that light smile that shows up in her face while shes blushing trying to apologize for what happened. I awkwardly say it was my fault and we kinda just stare at each other for some good seconds. Okay from the number of my past girlfriends i look like Casanova, but im so awkward around girls really. I mean the longest relationship ive ever had has just been some months. I should say something though, who wouldnt with how cute she was.
- Um so im Jonathan. What i mean who are you? Great start. She obviously wont get you were asking if shes a human or a goddess. - I tell myself.
- Hey. Im Emma, Emma Lee. Its nice to meet you. - Her smile gets bigger after each word she says.
-Thats such a nice nam~ Joo get your ass here! Were leaving. How nice of you Alex.
I try to smile lightly and tell her i have to go.
- Can i have your number before i leave... Just so i remember to look better around when im walking, you know.
She giggles and gives me her number. I say bye and walk out of the club still having her smile on my mind..
Nafia is probably waiting for a text from me..

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