My Demons

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So I had this idea the other day and then I thought huh why not? Lol I hope you all enjoy! Really nervous about how this will turn out😬😅
How could I let it come to this? The state I'm currently in not to mention the situation that put me here was devastating. I was getting ready to give my soul to not just 1 but 2 demons.
"Do you wish to form a contract with us?" The tall slim demon asked.
His hair was as black as night. His skin was smooth and pale. His glowing crimson eyes made me shiver where I was standing. His partner was shorter than he was, looked to me like he was 16 years old. His hair was a shaggy dark blue/grey. He wore a black eyepatch over his one eye while the other glowed as brightly as the other demon's.
"Did I stutter?" I answered the demon.
His face grew a mischievous grin.
"Then my lady it is done" and just like that the dark surroundings became clearer as the black feathers that were engulfing us subsided.
"So do you two have a name?" I asked wanting to call them something other than Demon 1 and Demon 2.
"Whatever name you wish to give me my lady" the tall demon put his hand over his heart.
He seemed to be a gentleman but I must not let my guard down.
"What was the last name you acquired?" I asked
"Sebastian my lady"
"Alright, Sebastian will be your name for me as well" I turned to look at the smaller demon "as for you, you look like a Gordon to me"
I could hear the elder demon snickering behind me.
"I beg your pardon?!?"
"I was joking, Ciel Phantomhive" his expression turned to shock.
"H-how do you know my-"
"My uncle is a big fan of yours, now on to our contract, after my revenge is complete and I can get my uncle off my back then my soul belongs to you correct?"
"That is correct my lady, I will be your faithful servant until the day I swallow your soul" Sebastian said.
I knew the earl of Phantomhive was hiding secrets. There was no possible way that he could have solved all those cases at only 13 years old. And here I was at 17 ready to take revenge for my parents death.
"What's next?" Ciel asked. You could tell he was new at this.
"Next we take our mistress to bed it is getting rather late" Sebastian held his hand out to me and I took it after a moments considering.
He handed me my night gown once we made it to my bed chamber. Sebastian wanted to dress me but I said no. He abided to my wishes, bowed, and left for a moment for me to get changed. I removed my dress and corset. I looked into my full bodied mirror and noticed the large demonic mark placed on the back of my left shoulder.
"Isn't that a good place to put a demon's mark *sigh* guess it cannot be helped" I said to myself.
I finished getting changed. My white nightgown came to my knees. My long brown hair fell carelessly around my pale face. The sparkling blue eyes I once had as a child held no sparkle whatsoever. I clamped my teeth together to not break down in tears. I was the lady of the house now. With the two demon's at my side I will succeed.
There was a soft knock at my door. I gave the demon permission to enter. Sebastian walked in with a look that showed concern? Maybe. He walked over to me placing a gloved finger on my cheek. He removed it and there on his finger was a small teardrop.
"Are you in pain? Miss?" He asked. I smiled a little.
"No, I guess not. I'll be retiring now" I make my way over to my bed.
Sebastian moved the covers down and helped me onto the bed. My bed was a black and red combination. It was also lifted fairly high and I was only 5'3 so Sebastian's help was somewhat appreciated. Once I was under the covers he tucked me in.
"If that would be all my lady I will leave you to your rest"
"Sebastian stay with me until I fall asleep" I blushed a little realizing how my request sounded "n-not because I need comforting, I-I just don't trust you yet!"
Sebastian gave me a gentle smile and sat by me in a chair.
"As you wish my young mistress"
"I'm not that young Sebastian don't start treating me like a child. I hear that enough I don't need that from you" I turn over so I'm not looking at him anymore and soon sleep takes over.
(Sebastian pov)
It felt rather odd to be working under another master. Especially since this one is a woman. Her soul is deliciously dark and corrupt the same as Ciel's was. At first look you would think of her as approachable. Soon you find her a cold shark. On the flip side of that she has a cute blush that could make any man try hard for her. I smile to myself as I watch her sleeping form. Ciel walks in through the door. He really was completely lost. The queens guard dog turned into a helpless little pup.
"Shouldn't we clean the manor or something? Considering that we don't sleep and I'm bored." He asked.
"That's correct very good young master" I patted the top of his head. Ciel smacked my hand away.
"Don't start treating me like a child just because I don't have high status at the moment, I don't need that from you" with those words said he made his leave.
I looked back one last time at April sleeping. They are one of the same. Working for her would turn out to be quite interesting. I blow out the candle light and make my leave. Tomorrow will be a very busy day for all of us.
So how did you all like it? I'll only write more if you want me to☺️💘💚

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