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Hello again! A new update for you is awaiting! A new teaser! And this one is a secret code! Because why not? They're fun, and it keeps you all on your toes. So, the code will now be revealed...

So, really things are... Ok I guess. Now is the time to say things, now is the time to do something. It has really been getting on my nerves and kind of making me feel... Excited. Interested. So anyway, A person told me to write this thing. Come on, he said to me, a lot of things will happen to you, really good things, and I believed them. Coming around to his idea was... Too easy... Easy as easy can get, really it was very easy!

... Confused? Well, if you're confused then that's a good thing. Because that seemingly random piece has a hidden meaning to it. If you're confused, then you haven't found it. There's a reason I said certain things, you see... Anyway, the first person to get it and comment will... Get the honour of figuring it out first. Depending if anyone actually does comment (please, please do!!). So, that's it for today's teaser! Hope you're a little more excited now! Oh, and one more thing:
May you be these things: Awesome, interesting and... Never unhappy!

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