An Unexpected Occurance

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Chapter One


When you move down to London there are three things you expect:

1) Occasional panic attacks when you get the tube to Waterloo but you end up in Piccadilly circus

2) You'll be in about 50 photos a day "accidently" photobombing unsuspecting tourists

3) The dissappoiting feeling you have when you know you won't casually walk down the street and meet your idol.

But I could cope. This was my dream and it was coming true. Even my father, who was so against me becoming an actress, paid for my tuition and bought me and my friends a house.

My friends, Lauren and Emily, had gone food shopping. They didn't allow me to go, insiting that I would only buy doitos and galaxy chocolate. I was given the task of sorting the house out, which was about the only useful thing I could do. I had finished it and I went outside for a cigarette.

It was a really nice day actually. It was the middle of August and the sun was beating down nicely. I extended my legs to try and get a nice tan to my pale ass legs.

My dog, Dobby ran outside the front door and into the garden, curious to seek out anything he could eat. I smiled. It was such a nice area to live in, I was amazed that London could actually have a nice area!

I saw Emily's car pull up and I smiled to myself.

"Got lost a few times?" I asked, walking over to them.

"Bit more than lost Shan. We traveled all around London trying to find Tesco. Next time we're fucking internet shopping," said Emily

I laughed before helping them carry the bags inside.

"Wow Shan, you did good," Lauren laughed, looking around the room.

"I know, I guess I'm just fabulous. I'll unpack, you two go and do something like sort your rooms out," I said.

"Yes mum," they muttered together.

I through a cardboard box at them and they ran upstairs laughing.

I slowly put the food away before putting all the cardboard boxes in the bin. I then proceeded to play The 1975 before going outside for another cigarette.

"Knew I'd find you out here. Lauren is taking the piss to finish off. Met any of our neighbours?" Emily asked.

I looked at my best friend and smiled. She was short, about 5"3 and she had a great figure. Big arse, big tits etc. She had brown hair around her chest and the most amazing blue eyes.

"Why would I randomley knock on the door to my neighbours house. 'Hi, I'm Shannon I live next door and I want to say hi cause' erm no that isn't going to happen Em."

She laughed at me, then pointed at the car pulling up in the driveway.

"Looks like the neighbour is pulling in now."

My dog ran up to the fence and then ran back to me. I stood up and picked him up with me, staring at the really nice range rover compared to our Kia.

Emily stood up next to me and we looked as the door opened. When we saw the two faces, we kind of looked at each other and tried not to scream.

"Hey there, you must be our new neighbours," said one of the faces.

"Yeah, we are." I said.

I lit another cigarette to stop myself hyperventilating and smiled at them as they walked over to the garrden.

At the moment, Lauren walked out and kind of just stared at them.

"Are you fucking shitting me. Guys we've been here five minutes and you've already found One Direction like what they fuck."

"Fuck me Lauren I haven't left the house. Looks like they're our neighbours."

I laughed a little and took a drag of my cigarette.

"Hi, I'm Harry and this is Niall," said the boy with brown hair and bright green eyes.

"Hey, I'm Shannon, and this is Emily and Lauren."

"Hello there."

"Do you want to come in for a drink?" Lauren asked.

She isn't this polite, she just wants to get laid.

"You have great music playing, I was coming in anyway. Who's choice?" Harry asked.

Lauren and Em pointed at me and I threw my fag in the bin.

Harry and Niall entered the garden and I walked into the house, sitting on the sofa.

It kind of got awkward after that. I mean, we were fans as they could tell, but what do you talk to your idol about?

"So erm, what do you do then?" I asked.

I kind of slapped myself mentally and put my hand over my mouth.

"Wrong question, that was stupid oh my fucking lord."

Lauren and Emily were in tears they were laughing so hard, whilst I was just there blushing.

"Well erm I think you know. What about you?" Harry asked.

"We're all actresses." Emily said.

"I have to go get ready for work. So does Lauren so I guess we'll see you again?" I said.

"Yes, maybe," Niall said.

I kinda rushed upstairs, trying not to feel embarrassed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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