Roast Competition!

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Axel: I am sooooooooo bored. When are Junie and Magnus back?
Ellegard: Cheek! You are with me for the afternoon. Plus, who cares about those s-l-a-g people anyway.
Axel: Duh, me! You stink, coz Redstone is my least favourite thing to do.
Ellegard: You disgust me.
Axel: Well your facial features disgust me but you do not hear me complaining!
knock knock
???:Anyone in? I forgot Fred.
Fred:Buck-aah!? 😭
Axel: Come in Val! It's just me and cruddy hag.
Valerie: You mean the mirror?
Valerie: Is what horses eat.
Fred: Buck-aah!?
Axel: Shut up fatso Freddie!
Valerie: Says you, inflexible lump.
Ellegard: Thanks for giving him a roast dinner to the face!
Valerie: No problemo, hagface!
Axel opens door.
Valerie: Thx, baii! +grabs fred and goes+
Axel: Mary sue.
Valerie: Says you, fish patty, a fattie, has a face like a rattie!

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