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*trigger warning for bullying*


"Come on Lauren, it's your first day. You don't want to be late. You better get going now."

Lauren sighs, dropping her plate and glass into the sink. She scoops her backpack up from off the floor and shoves her feet into her shoes.

"I know dad. I'll uh, see you later." Just as she's about to step through the door, her dad calls her back.

"Listen, sweetie. I know school hasn't been... the easiest for you. Kids can be cruel, unfortunately. But remember, they only pick on you because-"

"I know I know, because they're jealous that I'm smarter than they'll ever be," Lauren recites back with an eye roll.

Her dad smiles fondly, placing his hands on his daughter's shoulders. "Yes, that too. But I was going to say, because you're the most amazing kid in the entire world. They're not even half as great as you are. You're going to go on and do amazing things, I know you're capable of it all. It's your last year of high school, and then you're free. Just focus on that."

Lauren smiles up at her dad, because he's always been such a great support system for her. "Thanks dad. I'll remember that."

"And stick by Ally and Tori. They're great kids and I can tell they care about you."

"I will," Lauren promises as she pecks her dad's cheek, waving goodbye to him as she steps out of the door.

Getting into her car, Lauren tosses her backpack onto the passenger seat, starting the engine and buckling her belt. She turns up the volume to the Kehlani song that plays from her phone through the car's speakers, because she's been obsessed with her lately.

Lauren gets lost in her thoughts as she drives to school, thoughts of surviving another nine months, thoughts of being made fun of, thoughts of being mostly ignored by a majority of the students.

She appreciates her dad's words, but she knows she's not anything special. What else would explain why she gets picked on at school, or why she's never been asked out, or why she only knows two people willing to call themselves her friends?

When Kehlani's Bright starts blasting through the car, Lauren turns it up a little louder, because it's something she really needs to hear right now.

So be great, be kind,

don't let them dim your light.

A woman, like a sun, should always stay bright.


Lauren's style in public and at school is what people would consider "girly". She mostly wears babydoll dresses, sandals or flats, has her hair parted and pinned to the side (even though she has this nervous habit of running her hand through it), and of course, her usual glasses that are black rimmed at the top of the lenses.

But what nobody knows about is her "secret style" she has hidden at the back of her closet. Not to say that what she wears now doesn't represent who she is. It's just... sometimes she just feels like looking like a badass, alright?

Call her indecisive, call her confused, but that's just how Lauren feels. She only wishes she had more confidence to actually change her style up in public. She's too insecure to attempt it, half afraid that it'll only encourage more bullying, half worried that she'll warrant too much unwanted attention. So Lauren stays with what she has going on now, since she's a bit of a wallflower and would prefer to fly under the radar.

Plus, Ally always says Lauren looks cute, and Tori sometimes borrows clothes from her, so she must be doing something right.

Speaking of, she sees her friends standing around Ally's locker, so Lauren makes her way over to them through the crowded hallway.

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