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Camila ends up sitting with Lauren and her friends at lunch for the next few days because some cheerleaders (typical) had been talking shit about Lauren so Camila wanted to make sure nothing more happened.

And Camila wouldn't usually mind that, because it means she gets to spend time with her crush of three years. But Zayn has been annoyingly tagging along every single time, and she can't exactly tell him to fuck off because he doesn't know about her crush.

So instead she angrily eats her lunch in silence having no one to converse with because Dinah and Normani have completely hit it off with Ally and Tori, and Lauren and Zayn are constantly squished together on a bench laughing at their stupid inside jokes and finding way too many things in common with each other. 

It's pissing Camila off.

She knows that it's all platonic right now since it's only been a few days, but they could easily develop feelings for each other because of how easily they get along.

(Well, she's not completely sure about Lauren because she doesn't know how easy it is for the girl to like someone, but Camila does know Zayn. He's charming, witty, handsome, and is a master at flirting.

And he also has a thing for good girls.)

Camila knows that Zayn would never play Lauren. While he may not be aware of her crush, he is mindful of how Camila feels a sense of protectiveness over her, and he would never deliberately hurt her.

It's just... she really likes Lauren, okay?

The fourth straight day (not counting the weekend) comes of Camila watching (read: shooting daggers at) Lauren and Zayn get along too well when she decides that she needs to do something about the situation. 

"Hey guys," Camila interrupts loudly, capturing the attention of all six people sitting at the table. "We should all hang out this Saturday. Get to know everyone better."

If she puts a little extra emphasis on the word everyone, Zayn doesn't notice.

Ally glances over at Dinah and Normani, then switches her gaze back to Camila. "Good idea. What did you have in mind?"

Pausing for a moment, Camila runs through some ideas in her head. "We could do something fun and exciting like laser tag or a trampoline park maybe."

Tori and Dinah look at each other excitedly, but surprisingly it's Lauren who speaks up.

"Um, I... I don't think I'm going to go to that, then. I uh, I'm not good at activities like that and... well... yeah, I don't want to get hurt."

Zayn smiles comfortingly at the girl, placing a gentle hand on her arm. "Don't worry about it. We don't have to do something you're not comfortable with. I'm sure Mila can find something else for us to do." Lauren returns the smile shyly, peering up at him through her glasses. 

Camila clenches her fists and turns away. "Okay," she nearly snaps. "That's fine. How about we... hit up that carnival that's in town. It's only here for a few more days so it's now or never." Nearly everyone at the table nods in agreement, so Camila takes that as a confirmed 'yes'. "Awesome. The carnival on Saturday it is, then. Zayn, can you drive us since you have your seven seater SUV?"

"Sure, that won't be a problem."

"Fantastic," Camila says through gritted teeth, feeling anything but as she hears Lauren's giggle, Zayn flashing his charming grin at her laughter.


It's Camila's first gym class of the year, and as she gets changed in the locker room, she knows that some girls are staring at her arms (and not out of lust; more like curiosity), but she's used to the attention by now (she's a teenager with numerous tattoos, who wouldn't gawk).

you keep robbing my heart like a bank ~camren~Where stories live. Discover now