Reconcile {2}

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Chapter 2 - Corey

The next morning, for the first time in four years, I didn't go for a run first thing in the morning. I turned over in bed and grabbed my phone. I knew the Omegle guy wouldn't be up, but I decided to text him first anyway.

You: good morning squirrel

Not wanting to waste more time, I got up and threw on some track pants and a tank top. I kept quiet as I walked downstairs and outside to run. The morning was cool enough for my skin to goosebump while I stretched before taking off. Sweat collected on my skin as I ran, and I felt like it was icing over. It was absolutely freezing out.

I was shivering by the time I got back inside. My mom looked at me as I came in, Dixie yapping and darting around my ankles, and raised an eyebrow.

"Corey, did you accidentally run into the river again? You know it's cold this time of year."

I glared a bit. "That was one time, Mom. And no, it's just freezing out and my sweat frickin' froze over."

Dad rolled his eyes. "I blame your grandmother for getting you to run every damn morning."

"Gotta run if I wanna make it to the Olympics. You'll see, Dad."

A small smile crossed Mom's face. She liked hearing about my ambitions. I knew it made her feel like I was really going somewhere as long as I had something to work towards. She pulled my close and reached up to kiss my cheek.

"My dreamer boy. Go take a shower before you die of hypothermia."

I laughed and hugged her with one arm before going upstairs. The shower felt like heaven, warm water soaking me through to my bones. When I got out, I finally felt less like a block of ice and more like a person. I checked my phone as I went to my room and began going through my clothes.

The mystery guy had texted me back. Morning palm tree

You: i have returned from my morning run Wtf I'm still in bed you overachiever

You: im gonna go to the olympics dude i gotta achieve over Lmao I'm gonna stay in bed

You: and drink coffee? My moms already brewing my morning cup for me I'm sure

You: ew. i don't like coffee The fuck did you just say to me

I laughed at that. It was the normal reaction I got when I told people I didn't like coffee. It wasn't my fault, though. Caffeine made me sick. I couldn't drink any of it. Besides, most caffeinated things didn't taste good in the first place.

As I walked downstairs to get breakfast, I continued texting Mystery Guy.

You: caffeine makes me sick It makes me SICK like bitch imma go kick flip into class

You: i'm immediately ollying outie Lame

Eating while texting was hard, but I was managing. My siblings weren't even paying attention to me, too wrapped up in some argument or another.

You: bet you don't even know how to kick flip I used to skateboard when I was younger fight me

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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