Ariel's Death | Contest Entry

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Title: Ariel's Death
Author: -yourstrulyraven
Contest By:multifandomsociety

[Joanna Garcia Swisher]

Characters: Ariel[Joanna Garcia Swisher]

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Stiles Stilinski
[Dylan O'Brien]

Stiles Stilinski[Dylan O'Brien]

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Scott McCall
Tyler Posey

Scott McCallTyler Posey

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Such a simple word yet it has so much meaning, so much power.

Some people fear death, they fear the unknown of it. They fear being forgotten, they fear no longer existing. While others, they welcome death. They open their arms and greet death like an old friend, holding it closely as the light softly leaves their eyes.

We don't know what happens after death. We are told about stories and legends of places with eternal happiness or eternal misery. We are constantly told about Heaven and Hell, about if we do good we will get rewarded in the after life. But when it comes down to death and the afterlife, none of us truly knows what happens.

Do we cease to exist? Does are soul leave our body but stay on Earth? Do we reincarnate and become new people? What happens to us? Where do we go?

These questions run through Ariel's head as she lays on the livingroom floor in the arms of her only love. Red blood slowly seeps out of her stomach and soaking her shirt, like water on a sponge. Her bright red hair surrounds her head like a halo ontop of an angel's head. Her blue eyes glisten like two beautiful blue diamonds. Cold, salty tears gently slide down her now pailing face. Stiles' heart-wrenching sobs fill her ears and making her heart slowly crack into tiny pieces, not because she's dying but because of the pain she's putting Stiles' through. The pain the love of her life is going through.

Ariel sniffs silently. "I'm gonna die, aren't I, Stiles?"

"No, no," Stiles sobs out, shaking his head rapidly in denial. He wraps his strong arms around Ariel's fragile body pulling her closer to him. "You're not gonna leave me, I won't let you. I won't let you leave me."

Ariel sucks in a small breath. "I am, I'm going to die," she says, accepting the inevitable truth.

Stiles continues to shake his head, his tears rapidly falling down his face like rain during a hurricane. "No, no you're not, no you're not, you're not, you're not. I love you, you can't. You can't leave me."

"Do-do you think I'll go to heaven?" Ariel asks softly her stomach raising up and down, each word she speaks feeling like a hand squeezing her heart.

Stiles wipes his cheeks with the sleeve of his sweater before nodding his head up and down. "Yes, yes and you'll be the most beautiful angel there. You'll be the most beautiful girl, just like you always are," he tells her quickly. "But you can't leave me Ariel, please I'm begging you," Stiles begs his voice cracking along with both his and Ariel's hearts.

Ariel smiles softly at the boy in front of her. The one who has always helped her, the one who has always been there for her. She gently places her hand on his cheek, the soft coldness of her shaking hand contrasting with his warm wet tear-stained cheeks. "I love you, Stiles, I love you more than anything in this world," she tells him her voice sounding so soft, it was almost a whisper.

Stiles sniff. "I-I love you too, Ariel please don't do this. I love you so much. I love you, I love you. I don't want you to go."

The corners of Ariel's chapped red lips turn up slightly. "I love you, Stiles," she struggles out before her hand slowly slides down the love of her lifes cheeks. "So much," she whispers one last time to him. Her head slowly falls to the side, her bright red hair falling limply with it. The bright light in her ocean blue eyes dims and eventually turns dark, like the moon covering the sun during a lunar eclipse until they eventually close. One last lonesome tear slips down her pale skin.

"No, no, no, no Ariel!" Stiles shouts, his rough hand now holding her face. "Ariel look at me, Ariel open those eyes!" Stiles continues to yell, fast tears pouring down his freckled cheeks. "Please," he begs. "Please, Ariel please. Oh no," he says sobbing. He puts his forehead to her chest. "Oh please no, please no Ariel. Don't leave me please!"

A caramel colored hand places itself on Stiles' shoulder. "Stiles," a voice whispers. Scott's crooked jaw now coming into his perhipeal vision. "We have to go," Scott informs his sobbing best friend, he gently starts to pull Stiles away from Ariel's body.

"No!" Stiles screams his voice hoarse from the crying. "No! I'm not leaving her! I'm not! I'm not!" He continues to yell, lunging his body foward desperately trying to stay close to Ariel.

"Your dad and the police are going to get here soon. We can't be here when they do," Scott tells him softly forcing Stiles away from the young mermaid's body.

"She's gone Scott, she's gone," Stiles cries eventually giving in to Scott and standing up. A sob escapes his throat. "I can't believe she's gone."

"I know," Scott says softly, also partly in shock that the red-haired mermaid that him and the pack have gotten close to now lays in a pool of blood. "I can't believe it either but we have to get out of here," Scott says leading him to the back door.

"Wait!" Stiles yells before slipping away from Scott and running towards Ariel. Stiles kneels down on one leg in front of Ariel's lifeless body a sob escaping his mouth. "I love you," he whispers before placing one last soft kiss on her forehead. "Goodbye beautiful," he sniffs before following Scott out the door, leaving both his heart and the lifeless body of the girl he loves behind.

this is supposed to be like if ariel died when she got attacked in the house by an assassin. hopefully its better than the quick death i gave her, it took me days to write this omfg.

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