So if you watch aphmau MCD you may know there is this thing called the divine warriors which included Irene,Enki,Esmund,Memphis,Kul'Zak,and Shad. Here's our theory on it. So if you watched the final episode of season two you may know how some of the divine warriors which are Shad,Irene,Esmund,and Enki. Here are how they look: Esmund
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Ok yes that's only 4 of the divine and there are 6, but at this moment of time we have know clue who the hell Kul'Zak and Memphis are. Lets get to the theory. So we all should know Aphmau is Irene.So if Aphmau is Irene are the other divine warriors friends with Aphmau?Have you ever took a look a Enki,Esmund,and Shad.Look closely at them. Here is a side by side comparison
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Ok I know that's not that much clues,but Aaron could really be Shad for the reason of the sword Shad is holding.
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But you don't have to agree with this theory if you don't want to.Also this is only a theory so it could be true but not one hundred percent,but anyway hope you liked it there will be more in the future so see you later baiiiiii!!!!! :3 Words: 214