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( marley's POV)

We're all in the car on are way to one direction home ( yes even the rest B.D.Arley) suddenly it began to smell terribly gross Harry starts to laugh oh goodness he farted.

We are now home and fresh air feel and smells better "OMG I never thought a house could be this big"Brooke screamed in amaze, when I turned around I saw what she ment it was huge "come in girls it's awesome " Niall says with a grin, Carley was following Dylan in like it was nothing" and girls my cousin Samarie is here and she wants to meet you" Louis said chomping on a carrot that he found who knows where but Cool name! as I walked down the side walk to there house when I tripped on a rock and fell down Dylan started to laugh at my failure of walking " gravity check" I yelled when I got up Niall and Liam began to laugh and Zayn came up to me and gave me a piggy back I could get use to this I don't usually get piggy backs all my friends are smaller than me and my oldest brother ran away on my second birthday and we think he got adopted or picked up from the streets ( yea my parents were the kind that think they'll come back )and my second oldest never met me he died before I was born and my third brother hated me he's still alive though so this was new but I enjoyed.

Zayn set me down by the door then he. Opened it for Brooke, Carley and I will we waited for the rest. There stood a girl about 10 inches taller than me black hair with blue-green hi lighted hair a white shirt with a black under tank ( that's a tank top ) skinny jeans and cut off converse allstars( those are shoes) with mustaches on them she had tanned skin but you could tell it was not spray tan she was really pretty " hey guys " she screeched yup that's Louis's cousin I thought as I laughed and plugged my ear as she said " I'm a huge fan" " so your Louis's cousin?" Yea well his adopti- " that's when Louis glared at Samarie Dylan furrowed his eyebrows. " okay it's nice to meet you Samarie " Carley exclaimed.

( Dylan's POV )

Wow this girl is hot I wish I was her age " so Samarie how old are you?" I asked with barely thinking about it. I was still thinking about what she said and why Louis cut her off. I was determined to find out obviously I don't like not knowing things.

I was still discussing my plan in my head when I was interrupted by her answer " um I'm 18 " I nodded my head. Dang it! I'm 7 years younger. " I'm 11 " I said putting my practice clothes in its duffle bag down on a chair " you don't need to tell me I already knew " she said in return. Freaky! "okay so um Samarie it was nice to meet you and all but umm this is a new house for me and maybe if you know where it is you could um show me where my um room is? " Marley question but stuttered a bit not wanting to hurt her feelings " nope " she's says popping the P. That helps note the sarcasm.

(2 hours later)

Liam showed us to Marley's room it was cool and I'm guy saying that there was also a gaming room, tv room, obviously a kitchen. A living room, etc.

when we got back to where every one else was they said they have surprises for all of us, of course I'm excited. But kind of worried there teenagers it's probably a prank. About 4 minutes have passed and they're not back yet so we've been chatting with Samarie. Her favorite color is black, and she got those color stripy things in her hair at age 11.

Finally when the boys came back they had 4 boxes giving one to each of us I was the last one to get one and when I took it I realized that they had got ton us all iPhone S's.


( Brooke's POV )

Wow! An IPhoneS that's the newest one why did they get all of us one I'm not complaining " omg thank you" Carley screamed looking up over her glasses at the boys Niall smiled at her and showed her how to work it nowing she would have trouble on her own. Then walked over Samarie to where Carley was too. Now don't get me wrong Carley's like my BFF she didn't do any thing but just think if we're just randomly getting IPhones then think of all the things Marleys got I don't know what her bedroom looks like I didn't want a tour I just wanted to chat with people.

I looked at Niall, Samarie, and Carley. Some thing happened and Niall looked at Samarie and by the way he looked at her I could tell some one had a crush. Go Niall!


Wats up people sorry I updated lated this week was crazy for me first Christmas , then I went to Chicago , now New Years that's why I didn't get two chapters in but I hope you guys had wonderful holiday comment ur fave thing u got or did tell ur wattpad user friends please ( about the book and comment how you think Louis knows? Comment wat u know peeeooppppllllee now cut✂️ it👇out☝️

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