Chapter one

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Dawn  Pov
I woke up in my dusty home. I stared at the ceiling. Studying every crease filled with dirt. I stared at it until my baby sister, Evelyn, cry woke me from my own world. "Oh hush, hunny." I said softly while scooping up my tiny little pup, Spot. I live in The Kingdom Of Dark where everyone is taught to hate The Kingdom Of Light. The Kingdom Of Dark is filled with people so poor that they believe a penny to be worthy of gold. The Kingdom Of Light is so rich so I believe that that's reason that they hate the Kingdom Of Light. My stomach's rumble broke me out of my thoughts. It is time to go hunt.

My lace up boots cracked under bright black leaves. Yes, black leaves. That's why they named it The Kingdom Of Dark. I turned my head, almost instantly. A buck. My mouth watered just by the thought of it. I pulled back my bow, hitting it straight in the heart. I pulled the arrow from the buck. I stuffed the buck into my bag Then, I harvested apples and went into the Kingdom and bought soup which is only a dime.

I went back home, my dress flowing in the wind. My dress was purple with a hood and flowing peasant sleeves and a bodice. It was a rarity. My mother sewed it. It took  7 months for them to scrounged up the money! But, sadly they died before they could see it on me. But, I don't want to talk about it so I do what I always do, push it deep down in my heart so far that even my wondering mind couldn't keep the horrible memory up in my head. When I got into the house, Spot ran to greet me. She is so little. Littler then a cup. I saw Evelyn on the floor fiddling with her blanket and bear. Her bear. I sewed that when she was born. "Come here, Little Bird. Little Bird is the nickname that I gave her. Evelyn means Little Bird. I put her in her make-shift hammock. I fed her bits of venison then cooked the soup. After the soup was boiling, I went into the gate that held our little calf, Bessie. I milked her and ran inside with fresh, amazing, cow milk. I gave Evelyn milk and soup. I ate some venison and drank some milk. Suddenly, a soft but demanding knock found my ears. I opened the door, surprised to see Guards Of The Dark Queen. "Yes?"I said cautiously. "The Dark Queen wants to see you."The guard said in a gruff voice. Of course, my dad was the main guard until he died in battle. "Come in." I said. They sat down on the rusty chairs. I sat Spot in the hammock because Evelyn might cry and only Spot's  licks and my lullaby's calm her. "Now, The Dark Queen doesn't want to see you because of your father, she wants to see you because, she seen your mastering of the bow. She wants to see you...for a important matter." Important matter? He opened the door and gestured for me to follow him. If reading my mind, he said," A guard will protect your dog and sister." He said. That calmed my nerves.

Now, for the important matter, what would The Dark Queen want with me?

Hi, Y'all!! Please follow me if you're reading this!(Or you don't have to):) How do you like this chapter? Please leave comments on any mistakes! Thank you!!

-Gabby (Countrygirllovesmud) :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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