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I got bored and decided to do a one-shot.
School time. It really disgusts me. School. I put in my earbuds and listened to my loud rock music. While I was getting ready for school, my dad came up the stairs. Oh no. He opened the door with an empty beer bottle in his hand. He yelled at me for wearing my jacket again and threw the empty beer bottle at me. I ducked and missed his throw. I was shivering like a leaf in the wind. Sure I'm use to this but it would still scare me. He stomped down the stairs and left. He probably went to the bar. Like he always does. Kaiden my dog came up to me and tried comforting me. He was a mutt. He was about 5 years old. The only thing in my life that I value. The school knows about my life and how I need this dog. They let me bring him to school to help me. Of course, that's another thing I get bullied for. He sometimes gets smacked or hit at school by the kids. They don't know why I have him. They just think I'm a weird goth who doesn't even care that I get bullied by them. I not only get emotionally abused everyday by them but physically too. That's right. I get physically and emotionally bullied at school and home. I got on the bus. Part 1. I have my own bus so no one was on it. The bus driver knows not to talk to me. Why doesn't the school just tell someone you ask? Because they'll get sued or killed. If they tell anyone about my father and what he does to me, they'll get killed by him and he'll abuse me more than ever. If they tell any one about the bullies, they'll sue them for a lie. They'll say something like hurting their child physically and the school will get sued. They'll find fake evidence that looks real so they can get off the hook. I got to school. I went to my locker with no one in the hallways. No one will be here until 10 more minutes. I got my stuff and went to the classroom. I sat there. In the back right corner. Alone. Silent. Painful. Then they came in. All of them. They started to bully me as Kaiden started to protect me. He barked and barked but they wouldn't leave. I cried silently. They didn't see. Kaiden got pushed away by some kid. "KAIDEN!!!!!!" I yelled. They kicked me and said mean things as I was on the ground crying. Kaiden barked and barked and barked. They all left when they heard some one yell that the teacher was coming. They all ran to their seats as I painfully got up and sat down. Kaiden came over and cuddled me. He was big too like not like a Great Dane big but like a wolf big. He sure looked liked a wolf. The teacher started his lesson. I wasn't listening. I was paying to much attention to Kaiden. A few minutes later, Olly came in. The ONLY kid who has never bullied me. Even my relatives bully me that are around my age, which is 16. I looked up from Kaiden and saw Olly staring at me from the front of the class. He saw me and quickly looked away. What was that? I looked over and saw my crush sitting next to his girlfriend. I got saddened. Kaiden took notice of this and comforted me. The bell rung and I stayed. Because of the problem, I stay 5 minutes after each hour so when I go out there is no one in the hallway. Second hour was my own hour. I had a hour where I go to a physical therapist. That was pretty much nothing and the bell rung. Third hour. Take notice that this is my daily routine. 5 minutes later I left and Kaiden followed. I got my stuff and left for third hour. She already started her lesson and I sat alone in the right back corner. Now when I say alone I mean Kaiden and I. I'm ALWAYS with Kaiden. I can't go 2 minutes without him. I plan for him to live forever with me. Even though I know that won't happen, I still make myself believe it. I tell myself every day that it'll get better. It'll be okay. It won't. It can't. It won't ever be okay. The bell rung. I gathered my stuff and waited. I thought about it. I have no plans for when Kaiden dies. I decided not to think about it. It just hurts to much. I left and collected my stuff for fourth hour. I had a hour for lunch. This hour was lunch. I went to my own little blocked off room. Sometimes Olly would come and sit in the room. He wouldn't talk. He would just sit and eat. Kaiden liked Olly. Olly always pet Kaiden when he sat in here. Olly came in and sat. Kaiden trotted over to him. Olly pet him gently and started to eat at the other end of the table. I ate all my lunch and threw my tray away. Olly was still eating. He threw his tray away with food still on it. We had 25 minutes to kill. Kaiden went under the table between me and Olly. We pet him and he came and sat down by me. We smiled at each other. Barely. The bell rung. I left and then remembered I was supposed to wait 5 minutes. How could I forget? I did this sense I was 12. I went back in the room. I finally left 5 minutes later and got my stuff from my locker. Fifth hour I had art. I liked art. We all sat at tables with a group, except me, and we followed the instructions Mrs.Shal gave us. They were drawing cats? Apparently we had to draw a cat. She told me to take a seat and draw a cat. I took a seat in guess where? The right back corner. Alone. I tried to draw a cat. I came up with what looked to be a deformed girl with saggy boobs. I liked art but wasn't good at it. She took our papers and told us to draw our emotion that we had right this moment. I drew a scared small girl child surrounded by demons who were taunting her. I was actually good at drawing my emotions. She took our papers 5 minutes after and told us to paint whatever we want. I bet you some people are going to draw inappropriate things. I drew a smiley. Simple. I pet Kaiden and started to draw him. I drew him actually pretty good. She took our papers and right after that, the bell rung signaling us to leave for 6th hour. I waited while the teacher graded our papers. She looked up at me and looked to the door. I left and went to my locker. A kid was still in the hallway. He shut his locker and ran to 6th hour. On the way he tripped me and hit Kaiden hard on the head. Kaiden growled at where he was. I pet him. We comforted each other. I opened my locker and as I did, I heard screaming from the one next to it. I took my wrench, yes I keep a wrench handy at all times, and slowly walked to the locker. I heard it get louder and louder. I opened the locker with my wrench and saw...Olly upside down? " Olly what are you doing?" He only answered with one word and I knew exactly what he meant. "Shelly"      
He got bullied too I wasn't the only one. We missed seventh hour because the bell had just rung. We walked to the buses and parted to go home. I thought about running away. Nah, to complicated. Kaiden had walked home with me because the bus driver is to scared to park by my house so she parks around the corner. No one lives on our street. Their are no houses except ours. Kaiden and I walked in and my dad wasn't home. Thank god. I hung up my coat and backpack and took my shoes off and put them nicely away. I took a shower and went to bed as I knew my dad would not get home until late and he would immediately go to bed.
00one week later of almost the same routine00
Kaiden he died. He died this morning after my dad had killed him. Olly and I haven't talked since he was in that locker. I couldn't live without Kaiden I just can't. Tonight. Tonight when I get home. After school, dad will probably be at the bar and me, I'll be taking my life. I can't do it without Kaiden. I can't. I won't. I already got bullied 5 times physically and emotionally today at school and it was just the beginning of 5th hour. I've needed comfort to many times since he died. I'm so sad. School went by fast and I ran home. I filled my pockets with anything that has a lot of weight I could find. I filled the bathtub full of water. Once it was full I stepped in. I got all the way under. My body wanted to go up for air but I wouldn't let it. I could feel the life getting sucked out of me. Then it happened. I was dead.
Olly's p.o.v.
I walked to her doorstep. I knocked on her door with flowers in my hand. She didn't answer. I started to walk away. I scolded myself. I went back up there and walked through her door. I went up her stairs. I peeked in her dark room. No there either. Maybe she's gone. I tried the bathroom. Nop- wait what was that? It sounded like a bubble. I noticed she never had Kaiden anymore. Maybe she was okay now. Then I saw it. She was gone. I felt like I had done wrong. I felt like I had to protect her but I didn't. I didn't do my job. I felt like I needed to go to. I live with my aunt who is always gone on business trips and get occasionally bullied. But something inside me told me not to. I don't know why but I decided against it. I left her house crying. My sister, who visits once every other month, asked me what's wrong. I told her what happened. She hugged me and told me everything was okay. Except it wasn't. Nothing was okay. My crush, no, my love had just killed herself because her life was terrible. I knew what I had to do now. I ran back to her house, 1 mile, I took her lifeless body bridal style in my arms and carried her back to my house. I made it look like she was sleeping. I got back there and my sister came up to me. "Is this her?" She asked. I nodded with tears in my eyes. "Do you want to arrange a funeral for her?" I nodded again. She nodded back and took her from me. She put her upstairs on my aunt's bed. She called 911 and told them what happened. They told her okay and they would do whatever and blah blah blah. A few weeks later we had her funeral with me, my aunt, and my sister there. We found Kaiden's body a few days after her suicide. We buried Kaiden right next to her. I carried on but never forgot. I now have my own pet dog. His name is Kaiden.
This was sad. I don't own the video or song. Bring me to life by evanescence.Love all you wonderful people!!

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