Boyfriend Senarios-Part 3-(Yoofic)

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7th November
🔪You got sick🔪
You sat on your bed and sneezed into a tissue putting it in the bin.You had gotten sick from a friend and Yoosung was coming over.He soon arrived and looked shocked at you sleeping, you looked sick, so sick.He grabbed a thermometer sitting it in your mouth, let's just say you were hot! He pulled off your covers and used a fan to cool you down as he got a cold glass of water.You woke up feeling a little better, you saw Yoosung and smiled.

"What do you want to eat?"He asked

"(Fave soup)" you answered

He nodded and next thing you know he was back with (F/S).You began to eat when he sat on your bed sitting his hand on your heated head.

"I'm going to get some medicine"He smiled softly as he got up

You had finished eating when he came back sticking a pill in your mouth and making you swallow it, it tasted horrible :(

"In guessing it doesn't taste good"Yoosung said rubbing the back of his neck in response to the face you pulled

"Y-Yeah"You sighed only to be cut off with Yoosungs lips

You blushed for a moment but noticed you were so sick.

"Y-YOU'LL GET SICK TOO!!"You yelled

He chuckled and blushed.

"I don't long as I still get to kiss you"He smiled sheepishly

"I don't want you to be sick!!"You fussed

"It doesn't matter if your sick or not, if I'm not around you I feel like I'm lost"He blushed

🎉His Suprise Party🎉
It was finally the day, Yoosungs birthday.You had decorated your house while he was at work and cooked up snacks, the rest of the RFA were here hiding behind things as you turned off the lights sitting on your bed.
(u/n) logged on
Yoosung: IM NEARLY HOME!! The taxi is so slow I miss you D:
Yoosung:Do you know what today is?
(U/N) I have to go see you at home!! I LOVE YOU T_T

You waited till you heard the door open and you watched the lights flicker on outside your door.You sat in the dark as you heard surprise being yelled.

"Where's (Y/N)?"Yoosung asked

"She had to go to work...She said sorry"Seven lied
"She didn't know it was your birthday"Jumin backed up

You heard Yoosung sigh as he came to your room, you rolled beneath the bed getting into your messages.
(u/n) logged on
Yoosung logged on
(u/n):Yoosung I love you
Yoosung:They told me you forgot
(u/n): I didn't I set it up
(U/n) logged out
You had become sad hearing Yoosung being upset.You rolled out and hugged him from behind.

"I love you~ happy birthday love!"You grinned pecking his cheek

"To think I thought you forgot....."Yoosung laughed "I love you too~"

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