What my girlfriend doesn't know (boyxboy)

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Rating: R (intimate scenes and lots of cursing)
My rating: 4/5
By: Drummstixx

Rating: R (intimate scenes and lots of cursing)My rating: 4/5By: Drummstixx

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My opinion
I really really enjoyed this book. When I checked the page count at the beginning of each chapter it was around 23 pgs which in wattpad I don't see often and I loved that. The story was addicting and hard to stop reading. (I was reading it in class. Oops) I loved the plot line and how we got both characters perspectives. My favourite character was probably Nathan although I love Trevor too. I loved how Nathan wasn't gay from the beginning and you got to see him process his best friend having a crush on him. Sometimes I felt like every single kiss went sexual which I didn't mind but I wished there were some kisses that didn't go super far. However I highly recommend this and I loved it so so so so so so much. I also love how this book took, place in Canada (which is where I live) no one ever writes books that take place in Canada so I really liked how this one did! I will definitely be checking out more of the authors books.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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