Chapter 3: Fereilo

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Aphmau's POV

I collapsed to the floor next to Fereilo, sobbing. Though it seemed surprising with me living in a town where people want to tear themselves apart, I had never seen death, and Fereilo..... I barely knew him... I pet the long, soft white fur of the creature. I moved on to lay over his bleeding body, weeping. Gerhien stopped growling, there was silence. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I hit Gerhien away and turned to him, ready to scream at him. But I saw his shadowed out face and shock seen only in his mouth. His wolf ears were flattened against his matted blonde hair. "F...Fereilo....?" He whispered, reaching down to touch him. The creature gave a weak cry of despair. Gerhien broke out sobbing immediately. "It's ok Ferri..... I'm here...." He let these words slip out in an attempt not to be overtaken by tears. Fereilo was his friend... I could understand. The creature's glow was dying, his attempts to comfort Gerhien grew weaker and weaker. "I'm so sorry Fereilo..." Gerhien sobbed as the creature drew smaller and smaller breath. The creature gave one last cry of despair that sounded like....

Don't be afraid... The Angel will bring me back.

But Gerhien didn't seem to hear him, the creatures head fell and he no longer drew breath. Gerhien buried his face in Fereilo's fur and sobbed. I hugged Gerhien. "It's ok.... He's with them now." I murmured. Gerhien ignored me and continued to sob. "We'll bury him tomorrow." I said, getting up with the stick and limping to the wall. I let myself fall again and I lay down, drifting slowly into sleep.

Gerhien's POV'

I let my face out of Fereilo's fur and reminded myself a final time my friend was dead. Though he was heavy and very large, I picked him up and carried him over to the mud, laying his body down and grabbed the stick beside Aph. I carved a grave for him and lay him down inside, scooping the fertile soil back over his limp, mud-covered body. I sighed and lay the sick next to Aphmau. I walked over to the other side of the labyrinth hall and let myself collapse.

*the next day* (first time skip lel)

I awoke to the ambience of the echoing labyrinth. The first thing I saw was Aphmau wrapping her broken leg. I sighed and turned to the side. But my eyes widened in shock when I turned to see Fereilo sleeping peacefully beside me.

???'s POV (I know a lot of POV switching today)

          This is impossible..... It was supposed to be another 200 years before my daughter awoke. I buried her in the earth with my bare hands. She should have awoken with big giant wings and another 2 pairs to follow. But, I still had control of her body features. I turned to the panel. 'CLICK!' And waited for a result.

      Aphmau's POV

          I ran through the forest to escape Viatrix. My wings flurried behind me as I attempted to lift into the air. But, I fell. Having said my wings were mangled and broken, I yelped and turned to see Viatrix with a raised axe. I closed my eyes and waited. But I didn't feel pain. All I heard , which was my only sense to use here, was the sound of an axe cutting into flesh. I opened my eyes to see Gerhien standing over me, Viatrix with a big gaping grin and his axe lodged deep into Gerhien's chest. "GERHIEN!!!!" I cried and got up. Gerhien stumbled back into my arms. "Gerhien don't die....." I sobbed. He smiled at me as his body turned to dust. "Gerhien...." I continued to emit deep sobs out into the echoing forest. Viatrix smiled and dashed off. It took me a moment but I took chase after him, the bloodied axe in my hand. After a moment, I used my wings to propel myself and tackle him to the ground. He looked back at me in pure fear; and I stabbed him in the chest.

          I awoke to the stabbing terror that Gerhien was not there. But I looked up and saw him; Gerhien was wearing torn armor and clothes. I looked over at the carved out grave where the dirt had been disturbed. I sighed and walked over, but I felt something heavy on my back, and fell back down. Not only did I remember my leg was broken, but I saw something white out of the corner of my eye. I had movement of these things, I moved them into my view and gasped, they were wings. I moved them around, they swiveled around in the air and made a whooshing sound as they moved. I tried to move them fast enough to fly, but they were too heavy to do such yet. I sat back down and looked at my hands, which were burning like they were on fire. But, as I looked down, I saw a bright white light emitting from the palm of my hand. Confused, and in pain and panic, I placed my hands on the earth in an attempt to soothe the pain. The only thing that happened was more pain, I felt my life force being sucked out of me. I yelped and tried to pull away, when I did, I felt my life force restore itself. I heard a groan beneath the earth. I quickly dug out Fereilo's grave and looked inside. Fereilo was awake.

Ah, hello Aphmau. Or should I say the Angel?

Can you read my thoughts? Is that how you're reaching me?

Yes very much so dear.

That's odd.

How did you come back...? Tears began to fill my eyes.

You healed me. Now, don't cry, wipe those tears child. He lept up and used his wing to wipe my eyes. I hugged him tight.
          "How did I get my wings? Why am I the Angel...?" I asked, my voice still shaky. He smiled and looked at the sunrise in the red sky looming over the labyrinth.

          "Well.... A long time ago, this world was ruled by a goddess named Irene. She had a team that worked with her, which consisted of Esmund, Shad... Etc.... But Shad.... He became corrupt and broken. He turned Irene and the others into his puppets. But before this happened... Irene had a family... A family with a man named Aaron. In fact... Aaron still lives on today.... But sadly Irene does not. Anyhow, they had a child together, and Aaron was forced to do everything with the child while Irene was attempting to detach Shad's strings. Sad found out about this, and sent his small side group... A group called the.... Shadow Knights. They hunted Irene, and she fled into the forest with her and Aaron's child. Aaron found this out and lost all hope. He attempted suicide by destroying his village, but failed. He killed everyone in it. After finding this, he fled into an unknown location. As for Irene, she was forced to leave her child in the forest, and when she tried to run, the Shadow Knights found her and killed her." I stared at him, confused. He saw this and looked down at me. "Do you not see, Aphmau?" I shook my head.
          He placed a paw on my shoulder. "You think of the most faded memory Aphmau. You are traumatized. You see, when Irene found Aaron, her sanity, too, was slipping away. She was loosing herself to Shad, and Aaron could not watch this. So when they had their child, it would get better. But it did not. I hope as though one day you'll restore the earth and stop Shad. Because Aphmau, you are not really Aphmau. Your real name is Lillith Garnet. You and two boys were adopted whilst the child.... The real child was killed in a battle. That is what drove her insane." I gasped so sharp it felt as though ice shards had rained into my throat. I knew what this meant. I winced at the words came out of Fereilo's mouth--

"Lillith Garnet, you are the Angel the prophecy has sent."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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