Im just your problem

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      "Dad, I'm gonna be late again." I complained for the second time.

      "Give me a sec, sweetheart."He  called from up stairs.

     A sec always meant 5 minutes.

    I guess I'll always be the girl thats always late for first period.

     I sat down on the couch with a loud sigh.

     I love my dad and all but would it kill him to not take so long in the shower and make us both late.

     4 minutes later....

     "I'm sorry, pumpkin." He came into the kitchen with his tie in one hand and a brief case in the other.

       "It's cool." I smiled.

       "Okay, go wait in the car." He said while fixing his tie.

       "Okey dokey." I walked out with my bag over my shoulder. I grabbed the keys before walking out and hopped in the car.

      Seconds after my dad came running out and rushing in the car.

      He threw his stuff in the back and buckled up. He drove off quickly, heading to my school.

     "Pumpkin, I can't pick up after school because of the new case...." And if you haven't already figured it out he's a lawyer. ".... and I will be home late again sorry."

     "Yeah, Okay." I frowned I hated to be alone in that damn house.

       My dad sighed. "I know you don't like to be alone so why don't you invite a friend over."

      I faced the window. "Yeah, Okay."

     Silence struck the rest of the ride there. He didn't get it I wanted him there, not my friend or anyone else. I just wanted him for once to be there and not always put work first.

      We arrived at school, I mumbled a goodbye and opened the door.

       "Carla, wait."He stopped me. I slowly turned my head around.

        "I'm sorry, I can't be there but..... " He started.         

       "Work comes first or else we wouldn't have a home." I finished for him in annoyance.

       "Hey, I said I was sorry." He frowned.

       "Yeah, I know dad. You're always sorry." I left at that. I know it was mean to say but he just doesn't understand.

      I walked to my locker and threw my bag inside.

       "What's up with the sad face?" My best friend Jane came up next to me.

        "Daddy problems." I gave her a half smile. "Hey, why are you here? Class started. "

         "I know, I was late as well." She shrugged.

         I shook my head as me and Jane headed to the front office.

         "Miss Delaware and Miss Crane, why are u late?" The lady said rubbing her temples.

       "Woke up late." Jane shrugged.

     The lady looked at me. "And you, Miss Delaware?"

      "Same." I mumbled. She gave us an annoyed look and gave us a detention slip.

      We grabbed our slips and left.

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