Finding Purpose

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I was in the bad part of the Hidden Mist Village, and not on accident either. I was the scourge of our village and was usually connected to every crime committed here. There was a huge bounty on my head of course, but anyone that has ever tried to claim it has ended up dead.

"So you sure you got the money?"

"Yes, Hanubusa. Don't worry."

Hanubusa was a big mafia like man he ran the Kaniba gang. A gang that makes itself known amongst the poor and the cruel in the Hidden Mist.

"Good, good. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my number one employee."

I ignored the purr coming from the disgusting man before me and focused on the threat in his words.

"Are you threatening me Hanubusa?"

I leaned dangerously close to him. Close enough that he could clearly see the bloodlust gleaming in my eyes.

"N-no! Of course not Emi!"

I snarled at the nickname he gave so casually.

"You are not a friend of mine. Don't call me Emi."

Then I pouted, sad that I didn't get to use my twin katanas.

"Man I really wanted to use Tanka and Unka it's been so long since I've had a good fight."

Hanubusa gulped obviously terrified. I smiled at him before leaving the Kaniba's warehouse slowly making my way home.

"I'm going to be Mizukage one day!"

"No I will!"

I stopped to watch the children argue. They were so full of ambition, this new generation of shinobi. It makes me curious. I've never really had a purpose in life. So much of my life was spent worrying about my next meal or where I would spend the night, that I never really thought about why I wanted to survive. What purpose do I have in this life? Am I just a waste of space? Another name to be said one second, forgotten the next? It seemed lately I was asking myself these questions more and more.

"Hey it's that scary Demon Blade woman!"

The boys whispered to each other in awe. Yes I was the possessor of the twin demon blades Tanka and Unka. Never heard of them? Oh well.

"Scary? If I'm what scares you, you have a long way to go before you become Mizukage."

One of the boys puffed his chest out and stepped toward me boldly.

"When I'm Mizukage people like you will be kicked out of the village!"

His bold display deflated under my glare and he took off with his friend hot on his heels. I sighed in frustration.

To tell the truth I hated being "the scourge of the village". It got old, and it got old really fast.

I decided to go get something to eat before heading home since I could do stuff like that now that I have money.

"Yum dumplings!"

I smiled at the plate old lady Aiko brought me.

"Careful young one eat too many and you'll be as plump as me!"

She chuckled and patted her round stomach.

"I'm not sure what you mean Lady Aiko. You look splendid!"

She blushed and ruffled my hair.

"If only you would drop the Kaniba, then maybe people could see the real you, Emiko."

I frowned and stared at my hands before looking back up at her.

"Even if I wanted to I couldn't."

"Nonsense you're one of the most powerful ninjas this village has ever produced. If you couldn't deal with a bunch of no good ruffians, you wouldn't have that title or those swords of yours."

Then she pulled out a wooden spoon and knocked me over the head with it.

"Ow! Watch it!"

I rubbed my head sighing irritably before finishing my dumplings. As I paid and was getting ready to leave I noticed two men in peculiar cloaks sitting in the corner of the shop.. staring directly at me.

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