Chapter Two - Second Thoughts

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/Chapter Two - Second Thoughts/

Niall smirked as he backed away, leaving me with a wary expression. Damian came back, slipping his arms around my waist. "Looks like Niall is going to be staying in the guest room for a while." "What? Why?" "Well, he lost his job and Mum thought it would be a good idea for him to move here and start over. He only gets to stay until he lands on his feet again."

I nodded to myself and looked at the boy staring at us. He meet my gaze but didn't smile. The door beside us suddenly opened revealing Abby in a pair of high waisted shorts and a red Taylor Swift t-shirt. "Emily! Why aren't you- who's this...?" She folded her arms across her chest after gesturing to Niall. "Abby, this is Niall, my brother. Niall, this is Abby, Emily's best friend."

"Um, Em, we need to go. The girls are already at the mall." Abby said quietly, rubbing her elbows and looking at her Vans as she tapped them against the floor. "Give me two minutes." I told her as I ran out of the entryway and into our bedroom, grabbing a pair of jeans and one of Damian's hoodies as I did so.

I quickly took of my pajama shorts and pulled my jeans on, slipping the hoodie over my head and pulling on a pair of converse as well. I checked my appearance in the mirror after and smiled. I didn't look too bad. After that I grabbed my phone and ran back out to the door, kissing Damian a few times.

"I'll see you in a little while." He leaned his head against mine and kissed my nose before letting me go. "Have fun and be safe. I love you." "I love you too. Bye." I followed Abby out to her car and hopped into the passenger seat, buckling up the second I sat down.

"That was really really awkward!!" Abby gushed after a few minutes. "I know. I'm sorry Abb. I didn't expect him to come-I actually didn't even know Damian had a brother." I twiddled my thumbs as I talked. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell her about the things Niall had told me. I was extremely scared of the boy and I didn't want to get on his bad side.

"He has a good reason to keep him a secret! He probably thinks Niall doesn't do anything but go to bars to get drunk and bang various girls." I laughed a little at her. She'd never said something so open. "I think Harry's changed you." "Really?" "Yes. But in a good way."

She sat up a little straighter in her chair with a smile plastered all over her beautiful lips. Abby was a tall girl with short brown hair and matching brown eyes. She always wore what she wanted despite what everyone else said about her choice of clothes and is almost always in a good mood.

We pulled into the parking lot of the local mall and parked near the front entrance, getting out and walking inside afterward. "We're supposed to meet everyone by Starbucks." Abby told me as she walked toward the food court. I walked beside her to the food court where we met up with Perrie, Eleanor, and Melody. The three girls circled us in a hug which quickly disabled when the lady at the Starbucks called our names. Melody handed me my drink with a smile.

"How've you been? Why haven't you called me you loser?" I laughed at the perky brunette and took a sip of my Double Chocolatey Chip Frappucino. "Fine." I smiled. "She hasn't been fine. Damian apparently has a brother who looks like a guy who belongs in a motorcycle gang and he is now staying at their house." Abby cut in for me, joining our conversation as we sat down at a table. "What happened?" Perrie asked, slightly confused. "Damian's brother is staying at our house until he lands on his feet." I offered to the group of girls. "Oh! I didn't even know Damian had a brother." "Neither did I."

I still couldn't get over the fact Damian kept that big of a secret from me. I have been planning on marrying him for longer than I can remember but now I might be rethinking it. Would I really consider breaking up with Damian over this? I don't think so. I love him too much to let him go. "So." Elle started, standing up after we'd sat down a few minutes ago. "Where to shop first?"


I smiled and waved to Abby as she drove off, going into the house and setting my bags on the table in the kitchen. "Hello? Damian, are you home?" I asked the house, walking into the living room. "Emily dear! How was the day at the mall?!" I heard a cold voice say while I paused in the doorway. I turned in the direction of the guest room and frowned slightly at Niall as he approached. "Fine, thank you. Do you know where Damian is?"

Niall gave me a small look as if he was questioning where Damian was before answering. "I haven't the slightest idea, love. Perhaps at another girlfriend's house?" I shivered at his words. "No. Damian isn't cheating. He's probably just at the office. I don't need to worry about it." I sat down on the sofa and folded my arms across my chest, willing him to go away. He didn't take the hint and instead joined me on the couch, his arm slowly sliding across my shoulders.

"Oh c'mon babe. You and I both know that's not the case." He whispered in my ear, his breath hot there. He was targeting things I'd briefly thought about, knowing it would make me cave. Images of Damian kissing another woman on a sofa somewhere in northern England filled my mind, dancing around while they taunted me. It was almost too much to bear. "Kiss me." I squeaked as Niall continued his verbal assault. "What?" "Just, kiss me. I- I need a distraction."

Instead of cupping my face and gently pressing his lips to mine like I thought he would, Niall pulled my body around to meet his before crushing our lips together. His kiss was filled with lust, passion and heat, a completely new feeling against my own gentle lips. Desire and longing sparked in my stomach causing my legs to fit around his waist, my fingers curving under his jaw and around his ears without my direction. His hands quickly changed from holding my frame to gripping my bum and squeezing lightly. A little moan vibrated through the kiss when I pulled at his hair, our mouths colliding once again.

I stretched my neck as he kissed down the skin there, his hands holding my hips against the slight bulge that could be felt through his jeans. Without another thought Damian's hoodie was removed from my body and Niall was covering every inch of my chest with wet kisses. Damian! Oh my God, Damian. My sweet, sweet boyfriend. He was going to kill me! Oh God, he is going to be so mad... I can't tell him. But I need to stop this. Now. "Niall." It came out more of a moan than a word. "That's right, Em. Louder." "Niall. Stop." I pushed his head off of my chest and looked down at him. It was time to show him who's boss.

A/N: Hey everyone!!! Sorry, I know I haven't updated in a really long time. I've just had a lot going on in my life but I'll try and update some more now that things are starting to work out.

Love you guys!!! Hope you enjoyed the update.


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