One Direction One Shots.

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"Liam?" Niall called out loudly to the house that the two lovers shared together. "Li, are you home?" The little blonde called out again, walking towards their bedroom and slowly opened the door.

what he saw stopped his heart from beating.

Liam was lying on the bed with Danielle on top of him, to busy in his own pleasure to notice that Niall had even walked into the room.

"L-Liam?" Niall stammered, tears threatning to fall from his eyes, so he blinked them back. "Oh Niall... You're here." Liam said in an annoying voice and crawled out from under the girl, who let out a angry sigh. "Can't you see I'm busy?" Liam questioned rudly, making Niall flinch. Why was Liam doing this to him? "W-Why?.." The single word came out so heartbroken and full of saddness.

"Well, It's simple really." He laughed, pulling on a pair of pant that had been lying on the floor next to the bed. "I don't love you anymore."

The tears fell down Niall's face and he quickly wiped them away with his sleeve, causing Liam to roll his eyes and scoff a laugh. "What a baby, crying over nothing." He taunted.

"Nothing? Y-You cheated on me!"

Liam laughed and wrapped his arm around Danielle's waist when she stood next to him. "You're not my boyfriend, so I didn't cheat on you."

"You said that you loved me." Niall said that, the words barly above a whisper. "No, I never meant it. I hate you."

Niall chocked back a sob and stormed out the house and that was when his phone buzzed.

Your Lili: Really? walking out crying? You're a pussy!

Niall cried loudly as he threw his phone to the ground and watched as it broke to peices on contact with the hard cerment.

"Ni!" A distant voice yelled and the blonde looked in every direction to where the voice could be coming from.

"Nialler! Wa...e ...p!" The voice wavered and Niall reconised the voice.

Niall woke up with a loud gasp and tears flowing heavily down his cheek. "Ni?" The blonde whipped his head around to see his beloved boyfriend sitting next to him with a worried expression on his face.

"It was all a nightmare." He sighed and pulled Liam in for a very tight hug, crying into his chest loudly. "Ni? Are you okay?" The older and taller man questioned, clearly concerned for his boyfriend. "Do y-you hate me?"


"Do you hate me, Liam?" Niall asked again, trying to sound more clear when he spoke. "No. I love you Niall. What makes you think I hate you?" He ran a hand through Niall's blonde hair and kissed the top of his head softly.

"It's stupid." Niall laughed at himself and sniffed a little, scraching the top of his head. "Niall." Liam said and the blonde sighed.

"It was my dream." He confessed, looking at the bed sheets that suddenly seemed so interesting. "What happened in this dream of your's?"

"I came home and I found you and Danielle in the bedroom, having... you know. Sex."

"You know that will never happen, right?" Liam said and Niall smiled and nodded his head at his boyfriend. "I know." He sighed. "Then You said that I wasn't your boyfriend and that you hate me."

Fresh tears fell down Niall face and this time, Liam wiped them away with his thumb. "Shh, love. It was just a dream." He said lovingly, pulling Niall in for another tight embrace. "I love you and I am never letting you go."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Love it? Hate it? Tell me what you think and then send me a prompt if you wish R&R!!! Love you all.

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