Little Nialler pt 2

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For a week Zayn had been gone and Liam was more worried about Niall then he was his husband.

The two year old wasn't smiling and he barely touched his food or drew pictures of his family. Louis had tried his hardest to get him to eat something, so he decided that he was going to find his dad and knock some since into him.

And tell him the truth.

Louis had affair idea where his father was, staying with his uncle Ed. Ed and Zayn were pretty much brothers and always helped each other out, so that was the first place Louis checked.

And he was right, Zayn was will Ed.

He sighed and knocked on the door, feeling his nervesness grow when someone walked closer to the door. "Uncle Ed, can I please speak to dad?" The ginger nodded his head, and moved away and let Louis into the warm and inviting house.

"Lou, what are you doing here?"

Every anger Louis ever felt towards his dad bubbled in his stomach and befoer he knew it was was yelling at his father. "Are you happy with everything that you said? Is this what you wanted? Niall is a wreak, and he is bloody two years old!" Zayn went to say something to his son, but the teenager put his hand up to stop him.

"No, Niall hasn't eaten as much, dad has to force him! And dad, he is just as bad." Louis wasn't yelling, but the message was just clear as if he was yelling. "And me and Harry are the ones who break everything and draw on the walls. We just blame Niall, Dad was telling the truth."

"Oh and Niall overheard you."

"What do you mean?" Zayn questioned, Niall had been in bed when he and Liam fought.

""When you said you never wanted him, he belives that you hate him."

Zayn felt as someone had stabbed him in the heart, he had made his little boy belive he hated him. "Ed, gotta go!" He didn't wait for a reply or for Louis to follow him. Zayn had rn as fast as he could, lucky for him Ed didn't live to far away.

He entered his house to find his husband doing the dishes, and he could see Liam had tear staining his cheek. He moved behind his husband, and wrapped his arms around his husband's waist. "I am so so sorry, I should never have left and Louis told me that he and Harry were doing everything. I shouldn't have gotten so angry. I am a bad father, I am so sorry."Liam sighed and turned around in the embrace, hugging the man close to his body.

"I forgve you, but it's Niall."

Zayn nodded his head and began to make his way upstairs, he opened the door to find Niall in his cot, hugging his pillow close but not asleep. "Ni?" The blonde lifted his head and tears clouded his eyes when he saw his father. "I'm sowwy, daddy."Zayn shook his head and picked up the blonde, who wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck and cried sadly. "I was wrong, Ni, I know that Lou and Hazza have been doing everything. I am so sorry, baby. I love you more then anything."

"You don't hate Ni?" The boy asked, happy that his father was back.

"I love you so so so so much, Niall." He kissed the top of his child's hair. "I will always love you."

AN: OMG DONE. Sorry to everyone who waited. please send all prompts.

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