First of all I will introduce you to the characters I made up until now.
Kivara: female, strong warrior and magician, blood red, long, light curly hair, green eyes
Yveeqwa: male, strong warrior, black hair, blue eyes
Winxjour: male, strong warrior and magician, blond hair, brown eyes
Kivara's P.o.V.
My world was shattered into a million pieces. And there I kneeled, his blood dripping off my hands, his cold, dead body on the floor in front of me. I didn't cry, i couldn't, I was just too broken. Around me, the war was going on. A few feet away I could see his murderer. Fighting for his life. Normally he would just walk out of this battle, I had to admit he was a good fighter, but he killed him. This wasn't just another battle in this war. This was personel. I gathered one of my elements around me, the fire. For what he did to Yveeqwa, he will BURN.
Winxjour's P.o.V.
I couldn't see Kivara anymore. There was no Kivara anymore. Instead there was a huge, raging firestorm, making it'ss way through the battlefield towards Yveeqwa's murderer, burning hundereds of people alive. The smell was terrible and the screams were like blades cutting out my heart. I could feel the heat on my skin even though I was several feet away. I've never seen her like that. One who doesn't know her, would say she was out of control. But I knew better. I knew everything she did, she did it on purpose.
The firestorm with Kivara in the middle arrived him. I looked at him and he wasn't just scared. He was nothig else but frightened to the bone. Kivara led the fire towards his feet. It started to melt the flesh from his bones. She let the fire go higher and higher but so slowly that she made sure it was as painful and traumatizing as possible. He begged her to end this, he begged for his own death but Kivara wanted to be cruel.
"How pathetic!", she spat. "Begging for mercy like you would deserve anything like that." The fire has now reached his stomach. His screams were deafening.
"You deserve nothing but to rot in hell for all eternaty." Kivara took her sword and started to cut something into his chest. YVEEQWA. With her magic she kept him alive so he would see and feel everything Kivara did to him.
I knew what she was capable of but even I was scared of her now. I've never seen her like that. She was the best fighter I've ever met. On the battlefield she was ruthless and never showed any kind of emotions or mercy. But this was different. This wasn't just another kill in the war, this was revenge. She let her feelings guide her and that's what makes her more deadly then ever since before.
Kivara's P.o.V.
The torture I was putting him through should be as excruciating and hellacious as I could make it. It lasts for 30 minutes now but I knew that it was a lifetime for him. But his suffering wasn't enough for me. I wanted more. I wanted him to forget everything that has ever been good in his life. The time of his final death should be full of all the bad memories of his life, my torture should erase all the happiness he has ever felt in his life.
I looked towards Winxjour and saw something I've never seen before. I saw fear in his eyes. At first I was shocked that it was possible that he was afraid of me but then I realized that, when I could scare even Winxjour, my atrocities are more than just sadistic. I smiled to myself. Winning this war would be a piece of cake if I was rally that kind of killer.
I've had enough of the screams of this deplorable sucker. So I wrapped my hands around his head and broke his neck. I mean, I haven't got all day, there were other kills on my to-do-list for this combat.
FantasyKivara, a strong, female worrier grew up in a fantastic world of wonders and magic. But she never came to see the beauty of her planet cause everything she can remember is the war. How she came to fight, to survive and how she became the women she i...