Thank you...thank you SO much AC....

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Aqua~ Okai. Here's how it started....


AC(Admin~Chan): I wonder how Char and Mars would react if they saw Ari wearing a neko hoodie....? >:3 Ari! I gotcha somethin!!

*end of flashback*

*Runs over to Char and Mars*

Char: 0/// ,///0 *blushing intensifies*

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Char: 0/// ,///0 *blushing intensifies*

Mars: *also blushing* *takes a picture*

AC: >:D

That's all fer this chapter!

We'll cya when we cya, BAAAAAAI!! ~Ari :3

[EDIT 1:37 AM 11/10/2016: Credit goes to the person who made thehr base, which is me in the hoodie. Here's the base I used:

 Here's the base I used:

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That's all. Baaaaaai! ~Ari]

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