I know, most of you are going to see the pictures, and click out immediately. Well don't. This is important. You see those pictures down there? Yah, that's what, we, have done, what humans, have done. TO LIVING AMINALS! It's sick! Fricking sick! I can't stand animal abuse! I don't talk, or play with my animals much, but I don't straight up abuse them! It's disgusting, what people do to animals. And, I'm not gonna stand here and let it happen! I'm not! Sure, a lot of people talk about bullying, in fact it's what most people are talking about, me? No! Animal abuse is just as bad as bullying! And who talks about animal abuse! Not many people. I was inspired, by a really sad video on youtube. I forgot who it was by but, I want to thank them, and when I figure it out, I will.
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These are animals. Look, look at them. Compare that, to us. We're not even close to that bad! Look at the dog! Look at those cats eyes. It hurts, it really hurts me to know, there are people like that. People around me, doing that to animals. HURTING THEM! AND I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING! Well now I am. I'm gonna donate $50, to abused animals. Just, for them. Because you know what. I'm done. THEY NEED THIS! AND ALL WE TALK ABOUT IS OURSELFS! No. Just, no. I'm done. Sure, bullying is a problem. But you know what's worse. Animal abuse. Yah. I'm done.