little did i know

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I watched. staring at him as he hovered over her lifeless body. Blood dripping from his hands and his mouth. His body was thinner, the bones were highly defined, he had no muscle. The night black hair that once rested on his head was now gone. All that remained were little slivers of thin hair along the side of his scalp. His body dripped in sweat, but the smell of the mold and mildew in the tunnel covered his stench. I slowly shifted my eyes down to her. The once golden blonde hair was now dark red that had a slight shimmer. All her rings and her necklace were broken and lost. One last tear fell from her face and plummet to the ground. The soft eco lingered in my ears longer than it should have, in the dead silence.

He turned over to me, his eyes locking straight to mine. It was like a gun going off; The bang, and the dead silence that followed. The thing that stood there, had nothing left of the past, all that lingered were the scares and thorns planted there by the things of the world. I held my breath as the candles that were placed on small stones along the sides of the path slowly began to lose their glow. It felt like forever passing by in a second. I couldn't breath. He turned his beastly body towards me, paying no more attention to the girl lying, dead, below him. It got darker and darker. One by one the candles slowly went out. With every sliver of light taken was a mountain of fear added. One by one they disappeared; till the last one remained. It felt like time itself had frozen. No sounds, so passions, not even my heart beat could be heard. I stared and him, standing stiffer than a piece of stone. With the last sliver of light fading, i saw something i had never seen from him. A small grin, curled up the side of his face. Something came over me, and without taking a second guess, i slowly stood up and held my ground. His grin faded slightly as i stood higher and higher till i stood as tall as i could.

The gate behind him swung open, with the gust of wind sent the last candle out.

I saw nothing. I felt an ice cold hand brush my neck, his lips brushed against my ear. His soft, sparkling voice whispered "Lights out"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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