chapter 4: the spirit hunters

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Dalton was freaked out so he ran down stairs to his wife, and said, mara, cora is not waking up, just shake her a bit, no, mara..... She is in a comma. Mara looked frightened. What do you mean, in a comma? I can explain, when I was 10 years old, I was in a comma for 2 months and my parents didn't know that I was really in a spirit world, trapped, and cora has my gift .. To travel in her sleep to a spirit world, but sometimes you get trapped by a spirit, a spirit that haunted me and trapped me in a spirit world was named Parker crane, and he have came back for this revenge. Oh no, said mara. What are we going to do Dalton? First thing is first, I have to call the spirit hunters. Said Dalton. OK said mara. An hour later the spirit hunters knocked on the door. I'll get it said Dalton. He opened the door, and the men said you must be Dalton. Yes he said. Come in, he greeted them. This is my wife Mara. Nice to meet you, so what are you going to do? said Dalton. We are going to try to find your daughter. OK. Said Dalton. Let's all hold hands. I'm trying to find cora Lambert said the man. Cora .....can you hear me?...... I see someone... A old lady... Wearing a black wedding dress ..... I can't she pushed me out I'm sorry.

              To be continued .......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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