Chapter Four: Inside the Haze

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Back at the oracle's home Dimitrium hurried up to his room to gather his belongings, just as he had been instructed. Serapis went to her work room and closed the door, moving quickly to set up a large ring of crystal obelisks in the center of the room. From a beautifully cluttered shelf she picked up an iridescent seashell, some matches and votive candles, and a few incense cones before seating herself in the center of the obelisk circle.

Serapis sat the shell in front of her, placing the cones inside the shell and lighting them one at a time. Then she lit the candles: one on either side of her, one in front of her and the seashell, and one behind her. She inhaled the rich aroma from the smoke of the incense and exhaled slowly, relaxing herself and waiting for the smoke to thicken to a soft haze.

In the center of the haze an image began to form, reflecting a landscape of lavender-leaved trees and steel blue grasses. Serapis waited for the view to change, passing over villages before showing her the inner sanctum of a temple.

"Alferdious," she whispered and the haze swirled away the temple to replace it with the bust of an older male, her former mentor, his setting very similar to the oracle's. The corners of his eyes crinkled when he opened them, smiling at Serapis' image.

"Ah, young Serapis. How you've grown. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

The woman smiled grimly. "I'm afraid it's not with good news that I come bearing, dear friend." The haze continued to swirl around the man's bust.

"Perhaps not, but it is news all the same. Let's have it."

Serapis nodded and relayed the prophecy. When she finished, she waited for the man to speak.

"The Maledictorian," he stated heavily after a brief moment of silence. "The only triple being that was originally three separate entities with a lust for the decay and rage and destruction of our world... To thrive and rule in the calamity of the darkness they intend to bring..." His brows knitted together, furrowing in deep thought as a serious air befell his end.

Serapis watched him closely, keeping her external composure calm. "Your silence weighs heavily, dear friend. Is there more to this prophecy unbeknownst to me that you harbor?"

The elder shook his head, putting on a smile. "Nothing you need worry about, my dear. I'll relay the prophecy to the citizens here and alert the others. You go ahead and find the boy, telling all you see on your journey, encouraging them to prepare themselves," he instructed. Serapis nodded as he began reaching for something just out of her hazy view. "May the Jackal shine upon you," he told her.

"Just as the All-Mother shines upon you," she replied, and the images in the haze blurred and faded into nothing.

She extinguished the candles and sat for a moment in the dimly lit room. There is more to this... He would not have been so quiet otherwise...

A noise from upstairs brought her out of her own head.

"Pack. I need to pack."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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